Why did Dan Soder think it was a good idea to co-host a show with Jay?

27  2017-06-20 by disawayisthrows

The guy is undeniably talented and seems to be going places, why on earth did he tie himself to Jay?


Because Big Jay is hilarious and they have great chemistry together? You guys keep shitting on The Bonfire and pretending that it is failing. But they are about to expand to 4 days per week in about a month. Their show is very successful.

Its boring and repetitive. I guess its good enough to pass as listenable today, but its no better than any podcast.

Never get why some fans of ona cling to sirius. At this point, nothing on sirius is as good as podcasts.

I'd love the show if it wasn't filled with him reminding us he's having sex for a quarter of the show. I don't want to think about him fucking.

That's a very old stereotype about the show. He stopped doing that over a year ago. They took the complaints seriously and made him stop.

Good. Is that fat chick still on it?

Big Jay is still there.

is christine third mic?


Then I'll keep not listening.


She's third and fourth mic. tss...

This is like when Anthony's fans say he doesn't talk about race anymore....sure he doesn't

If he took the complaints seriously and attempted to stop, then it wasn't a stereotype. Is Big Jay still obsessed with the size of other guy's "pieces"? As someone who religiously listened to every episode early on, I just got sick of him asking out loud on every topic "Does {insert celebrity} have a big piece?"

He also had a big problem trampling all over Soder's stories. He's the most insecure fat fuck I've ever listened to.

Reminder... the same company also gave Opie and Jason Ellis their own shows. Their judgement's obviously suspect.

Reminder... the same company also gave those two queerlings the premium morning time slot.

Never get why some fans of ona cling to sirius. At this point, nothing on sirius is as good as podcasts.

Yeah, I'm not a hater. The show's funny and entertaining to me.

Of course it's successful. It's the next O&A after all!

I could watch hours of efukt then ejaculate, but can't listen to 10 mins of Big Jay talk about his sexual conquests and not be skeeved the fuck out.

He's like a more talented Opie. When Dan was struggling to make it Jay helped he, Luis and Dave out. So like Anthony they don't call him out for anything because they are grateful.

The Bonfire is ruined by Big Jay. Cum Town is ruined by Stavros. Opie & Anthony was ruined by Opie. Why can't we just have nice things?

Adam is a million times worse than Stav, but at least he serves a source of content via being a punching bag.

I have turned a corner on Adam. Mostly from my dislike of Stav.

I'd ljke to see Stavros beat Adam to death with a rack of hot souvlaki meat.

Sounds about right. Since that fits into the Stavros 4 topic comedy flow chart. Fat, Baltimore, Greek, Gay.

Funny people are focused on being funny so they are inept to the clingers who leech off of them.

And this is coming from someone who enjoys seeing Big Jay in a club/room. He's great on stage, but in podcast and radio form he is a dud.

How's the wardrobe when seeing it on stage?

Agree on everything except Jay is still the funniest part of LOS

I understand why LoS gets love, but I really only like Luis J. Gomez in podcast form. I've heard all of Big Jay's comedy stories so I appreciate his live act more. Gomez goes on other people's shows like Joey Diaz's podcast and lights it up. He's really the only one next to Dan Soder who has natural radio/audio talent.

I don't find Luis funny on his own. He's more of a punching type of funny. Dude takes being the butt of the joke better than anyone. And Jay is the best at making fun of him

Gomez is the Puerto Rican offspring of Rich Vos.

inept doesn't mean what you think it does


thats a capital "i" in inept smarty pants

Cum Town is ruined by Stavros

Nick Mullen needs a laugh track

Hell yeah bitch

Hell yeah bitch

Hell yeah bitch

Stav is better than Adam.

Soder replacing big gay on Los would make it a good show. For now it's unlistenable.

Soder, Joe List, and Luis on YKWD was fantastic. It's never been the same since they stopped all being there almost every week.

100% this is the show we all want. Joe list is da best.

You guys remember the time Big Jay brought up how much puss he was able to get while doing shows, and how many threesomes he turned down?


Fawk yeah

Yeah, actually I do recall him discussing that.


plz no

When he says it he really pops the P. Like I did when I was little.

Maybe it's because big Jay shoe horns his unfunny and untalented girlfriend in to the bonfire as much as possible. He's even bringing his 14 year old daughter in and she gets a good amount of airtime when she's there and she add's absolutely zero. Big jay just wants to introduce the world to the uninteresting people in his life and Dan just has to sit there and take it. Same thing with having sal vulcano on almost every week. He's big jays friend with the biggest credit but that guy is awful at being off the cuff and being quick and funny (in fact, he's never been funny on the bonfire or LOS but Jay insist they keep having him on). I sense it's because sal vulcano can somehow help big jay and his gay brand that he's trying build

Not to mention is still-current-wife that is apparently trying to make her way in the comedy business. I barely give a shit about Jay, but his crew of flunkies is really starting to wear on me.

It's a mystery. Jay Oakerson really is an awful person.

People like Jay don't disappear. They die right in the middle of everything and the rest of us are forced to step over their useless, fat, smelly bodies.

I'd settle for that

Because Jay is funny and they do have chemistry together. I just hope one day Soder grows a pair and murders Christine on air

Jay isn't funny though

Yes, he is. Just because this place posts 78 pictures a day of his terrible wardrobe doesn't mean that he hasn't made me laugh and been funny.

You're a faggot

Go venerate the entrepreneur or something

whats this mean?

Funnier than Redbar. Bonfire shits all over Redbar

You and me nigger, vs the rest of these bitch ass punks.

Just from listening to him judging The Stand roast battles you can tell he is a genuinely funny guy along with Luis Gomez. I don't get people hating on his actual comedic ability just because he dresses weird.

You don't even need. A majority of this ducking sub LOVED Legion of Skanks up until last year and a lot of that was because of Jay. Go search the video of him finding out about getting his first special and everyone was genuinely happy for him


The way Big Jay and his skank like to fuck is SO COOL, ya'll.

The haters are just jelly and shit.

As talented as Soder is, he's two other things: a stoner and a hipster. His hipsterness told him it would be a cool, artsy choice to follow his heart and just have fun with his stoner buddy. He was wrong on both counts.

I get the feeling that Soder doesn't put any thought into the business side of things. He's pretty funny and seems like a genuinely nice person, so he probably just kind of floats around the industry making a decent living without have to jew shit up.

back when this all started Jay was more like-able and funny. the show was good.

he shoe-horned his uncle lurch gf into the mix way too much and thought it be cool to talk about all the puss he smashes. he talks about penis way too much also.

I think that's when it was weakest overall. What used to piss me off was how Jay acted every time a female listener called in: "Send me pics of your cunt. Send pics. Send pics now of your cunt. Do it. I'm waiting. Send pics of cunt. Pics. Cunt. Send".

Towards women he had the subtlety and grace of Bobo.

Big Jay is a blue pilled beta provider in fingerless gloves.

i bet, he can eat a handful of blue pills and is still limp.


Because they smoke weed together.

Soder fucking stinks too.

Big Jay is fine. He's actually toned down the aggressively annoying shit he used to do, and he's genuinely really funny.

Everyone knows someone who still dresses like they did in highschool, it's funny but not the end of the world.

Id like to see what rags the neckbeards who browse this reddit throw on themselves everyday. Probably dont even put on a clean shirt let alone look half-presentable.

Probably dont even put on a clean shirt let alone look half-presentable.

Good point mom. I work in corporate strategy so I dress like a growed up.

OH GOO FO YOU. I believe its grown up. But anyway i believe i didnt say all, but if you felt like i was targeting you at least we all know that your very important and smart since you pointed out that you have a career to a bunch of internet nobodies.

I am very smart yes, but im not very important.

i doubt it


Low self-esteem

i bet, he can eat a handful of blue pills and is still limp.