Imagine if opie decided to do standup

9  2017-06-19 by [deleted]



I'd rather not think about that

Stand up has gotten so bad that Spuds Buckley would be a killer act in the Alternative Comedy Scene in NYC.

He'd be one of those dudes that thinks yelling normal things = punchlines

Rob Riggle?


So, Sam Kinison?

It wouldnt happen i think he knows he's not funny enough.

Opie decided to replace Jimmy with an unpaid line cook. The man is delusional enough to not only think he can do stand-up, but no matter how bad he bombs he'll genuinely believe he killed.

He's a student of comedy.

To be fair, most people can't do standup. The craft is reserved for those super-human few, those troubled souls who've alchemically transmuted their torturous pain into laughter for the the rest of us nobodies. In the world of standup, even the great Gregg "Opie" Hughes is a mere civilian, unfit to walk among the august ranks of those we bestow with the hallowed title "standup comedian".

It was really early XM show I remember he said something about winning a comedy competition of sorts and it was all standups besides himself but he was such a fawkin natural he was voted the best.

Gregory Pupkin.

I can't do it Howard! I'm not ready! Do you want milk to come out of my breasts!?

Show of hands...who in the audience has shit in the ocean? Cmon, we all i right?

It would be pretty similar to Joe Matarese.

His comedic ceiling would be as the next Gallagher with dumpster cakes.