"Oh wont someone PLLLEEEASSSE think of the muslims."

29  2017-06-19 by I_want_Forbin

Cnn just lamented at how SCARED the british muslims must be... Ya know..LIke EVERYONE IS SCARED because of bi-monthly terrorist attacks. Once again the TRUE victims ate fellow muslims...because..ya know....whitey deserves it


relax Ant, save this for your show tomorrow

If Ant was still at Sirius, I'd call just to say Islamophobia can't be tolerated and that Islam is a religion of peace just to hear him telling me to go fuck myself while Jimmy says, "He has a fair point, Ant"

Fingers crossed it's one of the dads of a victim from the Ariana Grande bombing. Let the media try to tiptoe around that.

that would be too good

I want this more than anything in the world. Even more than a gf.

Can't believe trump did u dirty like that

I guess no one gets the bit


If that happened the media wouldn't know how to spin it. They'd implode.

oi mate first the queen burnt down their free apartment building and now every single white man in britain got into a van and ran over 6 million muslim babies

Of course british muslims are scared, planning a suicide attack is stressful

Eh a couple more attacks and they will start rounding sand niggers up and murdering them in the street.

No they won't.

/u/wellshitinabucket checked out too early.

Thoughts and prayers.

Of course we need to think of the Muslims. They're going to pieces!

True victims ate fellow muslims? Tsss they must've been hungry like a muthafuckah up in dat mug


Deport them all to Australia.

Imagine how scared British children must be because a bunch of filthy savages killed 20+ of them at a concert for no fucking reason.

But no, Muslims are the true victims.

I will have you tearing tickets in KUWAIT!! HALALALALALALALA and everybody suckin' sand!