English people

37  2017-06-19 by Joemomma101



London is like one big game of grand theft auto now.

San andreas

Grand Theft Auto: London 1969

Grand Theft Auto Mission Pack #1: London 1969 (commonly referred to as Grand Theft Auto: London 1969) is a mission pack for Grand Theft Auto. London 1969 was developed by Rockstar Canada and released by Rockstar Games on 31 March 1999 for Microsoft Windows and on 30 April 1999 for PlayStation.

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Why do these shitty fucking bots exist? If youre not PMing the creators of these things telling them how shit they are, then youre part of the problem.

I hate 2 things. Bots and niggers. Their for you are a bigger bot.

GTA London from back in the 2d days.

Eh. Suck a black dick.

Destroy All Humans 2

The Ballad of Gay Tony... and everyone's gay, not just the one guy

Where we at with seeing the Tiber River foaming with much blood?

"oi look at me pip pip cheerio wheres my fish and chips now guvna its tea time for a footy match oi bloody ell mate a gang a muzzies ere dun gon an raped a bloody twelve year old girl me thinks tip tip tally ho" - /u/AppleBonfire

That's how they talk!

We're you the guy that got locked up or was that a meme?

English people look unwell.

You would too if 75% of your diet was saturated fat.

It probably already is. He is, after all, on the OnA subreddit

First of all, maybe, second, British people look like they just finished chemo or had a kidney transplant.

I can confirm this, I blame our depressing ass news channels.

At least the local news in America has stories about dogs swimming the channel, or giant doughnuts.. all we hear about is politics, wars and dirty hospitals

Let's be honest here, fish and chips with a pint isn't exactly a well balanced diet but I take pride in the fact that we as Americans are the fattest fucks on the planet.

It's because we live in a shit version of America, without WWE or nice shop assistants

Better to look like skinny corpse than a bloated one


Fancy a fag and a pint? Or a pint of this fag after a good rodgerin'?

Or a walking corpse in the case of the British

Grand Theft Auto: London 1969

Grand Theft Auto Mission Pack #1: London 1969 (commonly referred to as Grand Theft Auto: London 1969) is a mission pack for Grand Theft Auto. London 1969 was developed by Rockstar Canada and released by Rockstar Games on 31 March 1999 for Microsoft Windows and on 30 April 1999 for PlayStation.

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GTA London from back in the 2d days.

Destroy All Humans 2