I fucking hate my generation. Shit like this is why I come here.

0  2017-06-18 by Vic_Dum


Chris Gethard


I hope Chris Gethard forgets to take his meds then has a breakdown and kills himself.

One comment on the post: "I was expecting it to be good but damn. The stand up specials lately have been changin the game" You can say that shit again.

Anybody who says "ya'll" deserves to have their tongue cut out. I don't give a fuck what your geographic region is or your cultural tradition or whatever, you sound like a dumb shitkicking hick.

Furthermore, it angers me that this weepy cunt had 51 people wish her a happy birthday. Nobody needs that many friends or acquaintances. Nobody.

What's wrong with hick's you high-falutin Manhattinite?

I'm viscerally disgusted by "folksiness." I tend to keep everything very internal so other people actually expressing...pretty much anything tends to get under my skin.

Regarding affected 'folksiness' I completely agree -- politicians are the worst in that regard. But for most people that's just how they talk because it's their culture.

like the night you were conceived and your mother said "ya'll tell me when yur gonna cum, the doc said I can't have any more abortions this month"

yall need to take a chill pill.

im just joshin ya pal :)

How do I get shadowbanned for linking Chris Hardwick's username but the mods are ok with this? I'd still plow though.

Stop being a bitch.



That's said with every generation. Even God talked shit about Jesus and pussified him.

"Ya'll" get bitter and tough as life wears you down. The man or woman sitting next to you might be your colored cousin now, but after you are mugged once or twice, that person will just be a nigger.

I cry a lot while watching comedy too, isn't that the point of them?

god dammit, now I have to watch that.

Dude I feel ya. Pm me and I would like to personally show you what us Gen X'ers are like