Reminder: Italians are not white.

10  2017-06-18 by cbanks420lol

I'm sorry if any of you are Italian, but you're more black than white.


Southern Italians at least

All Italians.

They'll always be considered white people though. Italy and Scandinavia are the only claim Europeans have to a major ancient civilization.

Didn't you know the Romans were actually of the Aryan master race? We WUZ Romans

Europeans were so stupid that they couldn't figure out that shitting in your own drinking water was a bad idea. So they had to drink beer all day. This was after the Romans built Aquaducts all over the continent. The Brits were still having Cholera outbreaks in the 1850's because they were dumping shit directly into the Thames.

Well, at least they figured it out in the end. Meanwhile in India, not to mention The Ganges.

Only because of other superior cultures. They Scandinavians brought trade deep into Europe and parts of Asia. The Romans built roads and infrastructure. They were intelligent people who saw the value of building UP their holding. The Europeans had the "I gotsa gets mines" philosophy with the lands they conquered, like India and Africa.

Gibs me dat darkie.

Colonialism in a nutshell

Scandinavians are complete savages without any remeant of a high culture.

Why are you including Scandinavians in that list? I'm pretty sure they weren't any more ahead than any other of the germanic groups.

Dirty guineas.

I've accepted that already ...too bad comio won't

Actual Italians or Italian Americans?

Thats not true at all. Sicilians are a lot different than mainland Italians, since their island has been ruled by different people for thousands of years, but mainland Italians are Europeans. There def not black, or asian. Plus not all white people have pale skin and colored eyes, white people range from pale to dark olive, just like any other races. Ethiopians looks a lot different than South Africans, Filipinos differ from Japanese, eat. Plus my Dad is far darker than any Italian, and could pass as black is still white. So yes, Italians are indeed Caucasian.

white people range from pale to dark olive

White people are not dark olive.

Lol yes they are, there is a range just like there is with all other races.

Google image search "dark olive skin". It's all non-whites. Sorry to have to be the one to break it to you.

What is white to you then?

They're lighter than dark olive for starters.

You clearly do not understand race. You really think Italians are black?

Not black, but they're not white.

What are they then? Would you consider them Europeans? Have you even met real Italians before? Italy also borders France, Switzerland, and Austria, are these not white countries?

You know "Italians are the nigger of Europe" is a famous saying right? Those are all white countries, but Italy had the blonde hair and blue eyes bred out of them when the Moors invaded.

Like I said earlier, Moors ruler over Sicily for a period in time, but that does not mean ever single Italian has Moorish blood. Most of the Italians who came to America are from Sicily, which is different from the mainland. I also don't understand you're logic, if you have dark hair and eyes you're not white?

Dark hair, dark eyes, dark tan. Not white.

lol you have the worst concept of race ever. Even Arabs are considered white on the US census, although I don't agree with that one.

The Arabs rallied to be labeled as white so they could gain citizenship easier. If there was an option just called "black" then Italians could legally check it.

That's the Irish.

You're arguing with an idiot who gets his facts from Tarantino movies.

Look here, Wop. You're a fucking nigger.

I'm a Indian (Sikh) who r also Caucasian. Am I white too?

No, there are huge differences between arabs and indians. White Europeans are closely related to Arabs.

Sikhs from Punjab r Caucasians

But I am pale as fuck. I must be albino but my hair is black.

Explains the dick. Faaaaawwwk yeah tsss

They're not a homogeneous population. Som are white-white, some are brown

"white-white" Italians don't exist. Dark olive isn't white, it's just not completely brown.

I saw a few italian speaking white-whites, in the month or so I spent in Italy. I had a lady a lady explain to me the ethnic makeup of Italians, and they're a mix of different peoples moving in over the centuries. I guess some of them could have been Swiss or Austrians

Yeah they were definitely Swiss and Austrians.

Sicilians (where Anthony's family comes from) are not Italian and are not white. This isn't even a joke. They are literally more Arab than anything.

My dick is the most tan part of my body oddly enough.

Stop jerking off at the beach.

Is this the part where you pride yourself on your whiteness? I assume you're probably some sickly, purplish Irish degenerate, some limp-dicked bald-by-30 German, or a lanky and doe-like Scandinavian.
Italians are white, you nigger.

Is this the part where you pride yourself on your whiteness? I assume you're probably some sickly, purplish Irish degenerate, some limp-dicked bald-by-30 German, or a lanky and doe-like Scandinavian.
Italians are white, you nigger.

We heard you

Be quiet, jungle bunny.

I took a DNA test from and I'm Italian. It showed 0.00% Sub Saharan African. I doubt most American whites from the South could say that.

Eww! Well thanks a lot... now pizza is forever ruined for me!

spooghertti nigger

You are literally crazy. Mainland Italians are white definitely. I can guarentee you aren't white yourself, just someone salty of European culture. You need to actually visit Italy you fool. The definition of a white person is anyone with European origin. White literally means European, and Italians are as European as it gets.

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Europeans were so stupid that they couldn't figure out that shitting in your own drinking water was a bad idea. So they had to drink beer all day. This was after the Romans built Aquaducts all over the continent. The Brits were still having Cholera outbreaks in the 1850's because they were dumping shit directly into the Thames.

white people range from pale to dark olive

White people are not dark olive.

"white-white" Italians don't exist. Dark olive isn't white, it's just not completely brown.

I saw a few italian speaking white-whites, in the month or so I spent in Italy. I had a lady a lady explain to me the ethnic makeup of Italians, and they're a mix of different peoples moving in over the centuries. I guess some of them could have been Swiss or Austrians

I'm a Indian (Sikh) who r also Caucasian. Am I white too?

Sicilians (where Anthony's family comes from) are not Italian and are not white. This isn't even a joke. They are literally more Arab than anything.

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