No wonder he drank

46  2017-06-18 by Dennyislife


Jimmy really did peak young.

He did have a luxuriant tousleable mop I'll give him that.

chick on the right is Barb from stranger things.

The mom from require for a dream

It was at this moment with his little sister on his lap that young Jim realized he was a queer

I've always found it strange that Jim barely ever talks about his family. I didn't even know he had a sister.

He's mentioned her, mostly around the fact that he's got a nephew who's in his early 20s who Norton occasionally takes to UFC events. She had another kid 19 or something years after she had her son, which suggests...I don't know. Different fathers, careless birth control?

Gentlemen of color, perhaps?

Gentlemen, so more than one? A "It doesn't matter whose sperm wins the race because we ain't stickin around to raise it" potluck, if you will?

Daddy went to buy a pack of newports and never came back.

Well whoever it is, at least we know he isn't man enough to take his kids to an UFC event

I think it's more that Uncle Jim gets free tickets +1 and great seats at UFC fights. Nephew "Nick", I think he said his name was. Norton mentioned that the kid joined the Army or Marines and has a steady girlfriend. Thus making him more of a man than his more than twice his age Uncle.

Whenever Jimmy talked about his sister I just imagined her looking exactly like this

His dad looks like a regular guy. Must be humiliated by Jimmy. You can even see the rift in this picture.

I can imagine a lot of "why don't you go outside, get some fresh air and play some competitive sports, like the other boys?"s from Norton Sr and a lot of "you just don't understand me, daaaad"s from the bespectacled teenage lesbian.

Wasn't Jim's dad a trucker too?

Postman if I remember right. His mother was a librarian, I know that. Just 2 honest, salt of the earth, humble folks who somehow raised a fancy boy.

Regular Joe and Jill's of this world

Pretty sure he was in the army as well.

His Dad was in AA and convinced him he was an alcoholic at that young age. So Jimmy's Dad was basically a "Jimmy". Convincing non-addicts that they are addicts, for disengenious reasons (narcissism etc). He probably has all the same neuroses. Look at Christian Chandler's parents. It's not just the autism to blame for his behaviors and attitudes.

I assumed Chris Chan's problems largely came from his parents being old as fuck and content to let the TV and Nintendo do all their childrearing for them.

And the fact that he's little Nagely

You're suggesting that elderly hillbilly outcasts weren't capable of raising an autistic into a productive, non-cross-dressing member of society?

He drank a lot and did a lot of self-harm as a teenager. His parents took him out of school. It'd be more concern than humiliation, and being happy he turned out as successful as he is/never killed himself.

We all have the commonality of language though.

Grunts dont count.

I thought the woman on the left was his grandmother, that's one old bitch.

Seriously. Look how much younger his dad looks compared to her. Also his dad looks like he got shit done.

Think his dad is a vet and previous truck driver so yeah id say so.

You can tell her genes fucked Norton up. His father just looks like a regular mick.

Jimmy and his wishful thinking. Most serial killers looked masculine.

The ones that killed chicks were masculine. Had to be good looking to attract women and get their guard down. The ones that looked like creeps went after children.

Holy shit he does look like Dahmer there.

Isnt that Nathan?

It's definitely a retard.

He does look like Dahmer but does anyone else get annoyed by Jimmy's normal, happy life? He could have easily grown up into a happy person if he just had a different attitude.

It's like he's got nothing to blame his misery and weirdness on, and that angers me. He sabotaged himself.

I guess Jim is the Mark David Chapman mugshot with the vinyl wig?

He looks like a young David Koresh.

The mom looks out of the dad's league. He is a handsome-ish guy. How could he get turned on by that little old lady of a wife?

Jim's father looks like a disgruntled polish immigrant.

Like the kind of guy who'd get home from work, immediately disappear to his "den" (the basement) to drink brandy alone until dinner. At which time he'd return upstairs to a table of silent, terrified family members, all of them hoping today wasn't the day they'd knock over the salt shaker.

He's got the look of a father that gives a serious beating, possibly with an implement

A Young, svelte, John Wayne Gacy

Curious why there's no photos of Fred Hughes.

The family was so poor they had to choose between a camera and a 3rd yearly ski trip.

Fuuuuuuuuuck mannnnnnn You guys got it so good. We never got nothing handed to ussssss.

There was one of the whole family. I remember seeing the edit with all of then having Opie's face

Jimmy has the hair of a young oriental boy. He was going for the stylish Long Duck Dong look. I refuse to believe that's his ma. She's clearly an, at least, 80 year old lady.

one of these things, is not like the other

yep, they all look like obvious family apart from the genetic freak with chinless podge face & defective eyes


Why does his Dad have an erection?

Wow, I didn't expect Jimmy to have sired by Jeremy Renner.

Working on half a rod with his sister in his lap.

Looks like a scotch and ciggys on the table. Jimmys dick sucking probably drove pops to drinking.

His dad looks like a serbian war criminal.

Jim has a sister, how come we have never heard about her?

Remember when Jimmy talked about paying his parents back for back rent for him living there as an adult? He was asking o and a how much he should pay them.. What a phony. Maybe that's where the stolen 60k went

Somehow Lil Yimmy is the most normal-looking AND the most feminine-looking in that entire picture. Easter must've been a scream.

Jim Norton Sr. With his family and Jeffery Dunderhead

Only just six months later, was this young fella saved from fully, Kurt Cobaining himself, in front of the slush puppy vendor.

No matter what you believe or how you feel, sucking other dude's cocks and swallowing their cum, saves lives!





How old is his Mum now? She looks like shes in her 60's in that photo.

His sister has her father's masculine jawline, and Jimmy got stuck with his mothers soft round face.

Denny Falcone is Norton's daddy.