The scam is running nice and smooth



everything going accord to plan

Must be running low on scammed money if he's bragging about going to minor league baseball.

This really confirms my theory that professional sports are for retarded people. If you ever want to stick rusty nails into your ears tune into 20+ sports channels on AM radio and experience the misery of callers who are so invested in something so inconsequential to their lives

a team I have no input or control over, beat a team you like, therfore I am better than you

Not to mention I like this team because I was born in the geographical area they were named after.

I would hope so. If you ever like a team outside of your geographical region then you are a front runner.

I'm not going to waste my time watching MEN play a GAME, I'm not five years old.

Okay Jim Florentine

dats da bit

You're overestimating the average person

If you're a male and you don't like atleast one professional sport then you're probably a fag who has daddy issues. No disrespect.

I'm not going to waste my time watching grown MEN play a GAME, I'm not five years old.

Anthony openly supports this knowing full well what Bobo is doing and he said "good for him for doing this".

Anthony fucking HATES his listeners, yet he pretends he doesn't.

Are you talking about us O&A listeners or his current "harem of loozies"? I can't blame him either way.

He probably always thought about his fans this way.

But he doesn't care about trying to sell us Deep Discount and even likes Bobo ripping off his listeners. It's fucked up considering how much he's enjoying doing his shitty show for people he hates.

What is with you redbar faggots thinking we should care whether the host "respects" us or not?

I mean who doesn't want respect from the one-hour host of InfoWars every other Thursday?

I'm a Redbar-fag now? Jesus. But yeah, Redbar hates his listeners a lot too, but at least he's honest about it. Anthony tries to make it look like he loves everyone. I think that's very rude and lies are bad. It really is that simple.

And if you come to a sub dedicated to the guy you should care about that.

Who is this Fagbar?

I assumed you were because he was spouting that same shit of "Cumia doesn't respect you" like shilling bad products is something new.

He has listeners?

Please tell me no one on this sub is stupid enough to donate money to this faggot

i bet good portion of it is from this sub

Tickets range from 1000 to 1700 cents

i bet good portion of it is from this sub