Sam fucking destroyed the OandA show from within. Gotta give him credit!!

8  2017-06-17 by ajnj4

For all the years they bashed Howard and told everyone how irrelevant Stern was,Sam stealing the show would be like Benjy stealing the Stern Show. Put that into perspective and you realize how truly insignificant OandA truly were to Stern. A fucking Martian like intern destroyed the show from within!!


Sam Roberts gets a "C" as a broadcaster, but an "A" for climbing that corporate ladder all the way to the top inside of a decade.

I think a C is overly generous

I think a C is overly generous

I think a C is overly generous

What could be worse to warrant a D or F?

Eastside Dave.


E Rock Radio

Eastside Dave


E Rock Radio

Eastside Dave


Hosp, the gay Sean Connery


I only know Flea from that one time Jimmy yelled at him. Was he a Sirius employee or something? I thought he was just a fan.

Hosp, the gay Sean Connery aka /u/Eastsidedan & Flea were both super loser, super groupies that nobody could stand. Both however were delusional enough to think they were members of the ron & fez show.

What's a Hosp? I don't remember that show.

Are you hosp?


B- for being a company man because his climb came only because his ladder was breaking underneath him.

Overall... he will always be a C player.

Also, could be given credit for driving a wedge between opie and fez and ultimately breaking up ron & fez. Can't trust a man in his 30's with a late in life foreskin removal and jew fro.

No,not really.

Hosp, the gay Sean Connery


What's a Hosp? I don't remember that show.

Are you hosp?