Big Amy's next film project: "I Feel Pretty".

19  2017-06-17 by Every1ShouldBKilled

Renee Bennett (Schumer) knows what it's like to be average in a world of the genetically blessed. After falling off an exercise bike and banging her head, she believes a spell has suddenly made her gorgeous. Except to everyone else, she looks exactly the same. Renee's new confidence suddenly sees her climbing the ranks at the cosmetics company she works for, getting the respect of her idol and boss, Avery LeClaire (Williams). Ultimately Renee realizes 'the spell' has lifted, but through the process learns true beauty is not skin deep.



Can this bitch do anything that doesn't call attention to how much of a porker she is? Lazy dullard.

This will make Snatched look like a Star Wars movie it will bomb so hard.

So it's Shallow Hal but without Jack Black.

Thats the pitch

She's less attractive.

Shallow Ham

Shallow WHale

Fell of an exercise bike? I don't buy it.

Fell off a buffet line.

It must be a sci-fi film.

Big special effects budget

We already have this in reality with the Pig Amy, it's called "I feel funny".

So it's a movie about every fat black female comic's stand up bit.

"Where mah big gurls at?!" "I looks goood!" "Skinny white bitches!"

My own sister hates this bitch.

I'm proud she's my sister for this alone.

Bet she gives a good handy too. Can you confirm?

I plead the fifth.... of Bourbon.

Pussy pics? 😁

Keep dreaming on doing a workout, cunt.

It would funnier if instead of falling off a bike, shes eating her assfat in BBQ pork. While eating she has a stroke and talks like a stupid stoke victim, but with confidence.

Ultimately Renee realizes 'the spell' has lifted, but through the process learns true beauty is not skin deep.

Thanks for spoiling the ending for me jackass I was gonna watch this

Life isn't always about how we feel...

Schumer knows what it's like to be average in a world of the genetically blessed.

"Average", huh?

So brave.

Well if it's a world of the "genetically blessed" then that is average. So the description makes no sense

Two euphemisms make an accuracy I guess.

Beauty is skin deep. If it wasn't why would anyone be attracted to one gender and not the other. Why would I be attracted to adults and not children. Why would I be attracted to humans and not animals. Because we are attracted to particular visual stimuli. Some are legitimately more attractive than others. I don't understand what these cunts are trying to go for with this "I'm proud of my shitty body and you ought to be attracted to it even though no one is". It just doesn't make any sense. It's like intentionally playing guitar terribly, releasing an album and then saying "well, my music is beautiful the way it is. It isn't sound deep". Yes it is. That's exactly what it is

I always gave shit to women for thinking that, but recently realized guys say the same thing. "Looks dont matter brah. Its all to do with confidence!"

Confident ugly people are annoying.

What dumb jew is bankrolling this. Looks like someone needs a tax write off.

This kind of stuff actually makes me angry for several reasons:

  1. The sheer hypocrisy of Hollywood is ridiculous - unattractive women are only allowed in Hollywood comedies, nowhere else, so clearly beauty is skin deep. Just because Amy Schumer and Melissa McCarthy are getting roles doesn't mean that things have changed in the industry.

  2. I bet Amy Schumer thinks the movie is sooo empowering, but it's the opposite. If you are 'average' or unattractive (male or female), confidence and self-belief are not going to level the playing field. Hollywood itself is a prime example of that - there are lots of great actors out there who get overlooked because they're not attractive enough. Life is brutally unfair. Hard work, determination, and actual skill in your chosen career will help you overtake those coasting on their looks, at least in most jobs, but simply being confident is not enough, especially if that confidence is not based on anything. Her movie will inspire false hope to people dumb enough to believe its message, which is that you only need to believe in yourself, physical beauty isn't that important, and everyone is beautiful in some way; the reality is that the world is obsessed with physical beauty and most ugly people have lives that are difficult and unhappy, and no wishful thinking is going to change that.

Bet she gives a good handy too. Can you confirm?

Pussy pics? 😁

Two euphemisms make an accuracy I guess.