WERE YOU AWARE OF THIS REMINDER: Opie and Lyndsey go by #TeamHugo. Because they combined their last name.

24  2017-06-17 by Dannyprecise

It's in this episode of the Louis CK OnA archive. Towards the end. Worth a listen. https://youtu.be/W4aPk8lzHc0


I really wish i didnt know that



Any of you know that Jim Morton thanked Lyndsay s. And the monkey effing Philly crew in his shit books

She has been very integral in his success as a washed up comedian.

What about father dorris?

Haven't seen him.

Just where is father dorris ?

"Monkey effing" yuck. You really are a slimy sack of shit.

i win u lose

Ope has a whacky time w/ her....you know for an entire weekend, he forced Lynsi to call him "Gregg'orio!!!"

But she had to say it with gusto, in a silly accent, & with a fist pumping gesture...what a crazy, interesting couple

Although, u/Joe_Cumia believes "Gregg-oreo" was code for something else:

"GREGG-OREO": 'when Lynsi is pig roasted between 2 black men, and Gregg licks the men's ejaculate off the body of his wife...like the cream of an oreo cookie. Gregg'oreo.

I'm starting to think u/Joe_Cumia isn't Anthony's brother.

Would it be more like hughesmargera?

That would suggest that bam fucked opie...speculate?


i mean, really who cares if you take on a woman's last name? i think more woman should keep their last names, and more men should be willing to at least consider taking on their wives last name...


i mean, really who cares if you take on a woman's last name? i think more woman should keep their last names, and more men should be willing to at least consider taking on their wives last name...