Photorealistic drawing of Antwan Kumiya, noted transsexual connoisseur, and hater of his own people (the Africans).

49  2017-06-17 by the_opester


They still tell the tale ....if your a bad child kumiyasclagan will come and get you

It's not your stocking they stuff.

Your heiny will be sore when kumiyasclagan comes to you ....but you will get an iPad

Where do I sign up?

Kumiyasclagan only visits children or members of the transgendered community

I'm in luck:)

In mine heinyyy

Holy fuck, how did Ice Poseidon autism bleed into here.

I feel like this place is a reflection of my inner autist; really loving the direction of the sub, good job.

I kinda see an overlap though, Bobo is like Mexican Andy and Ice has his whack pack of weird leeches.

Looks like noted DUDEWEED male feminist comic icon / Jewish faggot Evan 'Leslie' Jones.

NO!! that's Ari Shaffir

One critique, needs craters!

Why just the 1 bloodshot eye?

Nice art. Very touching.

Anthony's racism is so, so so so gross