Covina and Rich are the most white bread, milksop, fake middle aged edgy hours of radio ever created by mankind.

7  2017-06-17 by jaynap1

I remember when these wastes would have been Jocktobered. I've never wanted to punch a radio so much.


Shock and Jock!

Shock and Jock!

You know you don't have to listen to any of these shows?

You know you don't have to listen to any of these shows?

You know you don't have to listen to any of these shows?

Thank you, sir ... may I have another?

Thank you, sir ... may I have another?

That shit is awful.

Management love's them,but hey Jews love cheap shit

I tried to listen when they first got put on the channel because I never listened to them before and holy shit that show is the worst radio show I have ever heard. I'd rather listen to Tits and the Gang 24/7 then ever have to listen to that horseshit again. It really shows how bad it is that it makes the afternoon Tits forced laugh fest seem like a GREAT radio show.