What are your weekend plans, gang?

8  2017-06-17 by BabyDinosaurHead

Me: I'm doing a bit of the ol' spring cleaning. Hey, everything in its place, and a place for everything, right, fellas?


A clean home is a happy home, friend.

I worked out so I can rationalize getting drunk for the seventh day in a row later.

I somehow rationalized dumping rotgut rum into my daily coffee/gatorade/soda for the past 4 days. Makes your workdays a hoot but fuck do the evenings suck.

I'm gonna play Xbox and yell nigger at my TV until my neighbors call the cops again

If they call the cops on you for yelling nigger, you are living in the wrong neighborhood.

im starting the weekend off by watching a live redbar episode. he's back from a two week vacation https://redbarradio.net/live

Oh thank god.. I gettin worried about that guy

Considering a "normal" Redbar episode runs eight hours and he's coming back from a break, I think your entire weekend is busy. He talks a lot is what I'm saying.

who the fuck listens to 8 hours of that guy?

He just entered hour four of his broadcast.

sweet jesus...

Redbar is like if that faggot Keemstar got fit and sucked off men.

Smoke dokha and do whip-its till the cows come home

I'm headed to the city to roll queers.

I'll be here... posting... again... 🙁

I'm gonna tug one out to some Evelyn Lin anal vids then eat some goldfish crackers. Might switch up the order, we'll see how wild the night gets.

I dont think Fathers Day is a very raucous occasion for many of our sub members

Saw guardians of the galaxy. It was shit. Then taking my dad and grandpa out to breakfast tomorrow since I work sunday.

Gonna put on my best anorak and head down to the local park.