Patton Oswalt is 5'2"

13  2017-06-16 by Crownenberg


That makes the fact of him being 250 pounds even more unsettling.

Ahhh! Did you two plan this?

U/guinness525 com...oh you already did

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Git out of her, cunt.

Git outta here, cunt. G'wan naw.

He probably seems bigger when he's holding a pillow over your face while you're whacked out on pills.

Comio is 4'3

5' 2" isn't that short at all. Why, some women even like shorter men. I've seen Patton pull quite a few cute ladies too myself. Watch what you say about him.

Ya think the new cunt was in on it?

He`s a bigger piece of shit than his height

He`s a bigger piece of shit than his height

How many Joe Rogan's is that?

62 exactly.

Charles Manson was 5 feet 2 inches. Coincidence?

There are currently 45 serial killers thought to be operating in the US. Of the last 3000 or so american serial killers only 7.2% has used poison so he's in elite company there. Probably trying to make a name for himself.

The mass majority of killers don't serve in the military but do have a direct relative who has served. Ditto for Patton. California has by far the most killers which is Patton's homes state.