The most concentrated expression of autism I've witnessed

23  2017-06-16 by Crownenberg


A great argument for keeping abortions legal.

Up until the 93rd trimester.

Superkai64 is my hewo


Awwwww Fuck thats sad

Eve Online is packed full of em as well. Except they're actually something resembling adults.

Who else was in this for the long haul and thought afterwords "maybe i'm not so far in on the spectrum"


Good news, pal!

I can confirm you're not autistic; just monumentally dumb.

Whenever I'm on this sub, usually drunk too! But yeah I meant afterwards

Don't worry, I'm just yanking your clam-stuffer.


That question is PFG.

The kid at 4:35 asking about mobs move sets is a legit question. Fucking eurotrash on stage can't understand English

The panellists are absolute dorks themselves, yet their fans make them seem suaver than Frank Sinatra. This video destroyed any remaining hope I had for the future of Western civilization.

I would hate to be a developer on something popular with children and autists

Why? Make your millions then go to cons and plug vos dates.

Young Artie?