These guys!

15  2017-06-16 by unclepaul84


If real life was only like a cartoon.... Someone could have dropped some sandbags on the sand-flea and a stagelight on patton

Which one of these men has committed an honor killing? The answer may surprise you.

Hmmm...a basmati coon or a shaved ewok...that's a tough one.

There was nothing honorable about that killing.

I have to imagine that it smells like cheesy death around those two

Two fucking geeks who should have never been let out of the locker.

The highest combined I.Q.'s ever captured in one photo. These men care deeply about those with less than, all while healing the world with their amazing comedy. Beautiful

Couple of overly dramatic dorks the two of them.

Mr. Stealyourplane Mr. Stealyourwife'slife

Those are two ugly looking chicks

"Say, Patton"

"Yes Kumail?"

"A lot of people say that you murdered your wife."

"Yes, I've heard that said. And I just want to say I think it's ridiculous."

"It's ridiculous that people think you murdered your wife?"

"No, it's ridiculous that they figured it out so QUICKLY!"

[laughter, applause]

"Anyway these are your nominees for best supporting actress in a comedy..."

Olivia Wild in Pill Day Afternoon...

At least they're both really tall and handsome.

I checked Maron's podcast today because Florentine was on it, he tweeted about it.

What the fuck is Maron doing. Not only does Florentine have to share the show with this Indian crybaby faggot, EVERY episode of WTF has "three guests" now. Who wants to hear 3 x 20 minute interviews? God his podcast took a shit.

No they're not.

'Who's on first?" "I don't know, but it better not be Trump!" Third base!

some brown nigga and a liberal. wow what a shock this subreddit dislikes them