This persons down syndrome brother looks oddly familiar

80  2017-06-16 by RzK


Miley? Yeah, she's pretty famous.

Wow. This is amazing.

Fuck, the second time I laughed tonight on this sub.

lol holy shit

Don't abuse the retards, they don't know any better.

Erock is lookin' great!

So two Downs don't make a right.

Lol it's fun clicking on the profiles and seeing which ones are peckahs and which ones don't get the fawkin bit.

fawk yea were spreddin cross america like some kinda fawkin virus or sumthin

You can nearly tell from the usernames

Too many of us there for me to find it funny. They ruin it.

Pests are everywhere

O&A niggas can't go anywhere without trying to drop red pills on murderer Patton Oswalt

The comments in that thread are person points out how his downs is barely noticeable but then 41 genuine ppl respond with:

"The physical manifestation of downs varies but he does have the baseline features...just didnt fully blossom."

Reading all the serious comments...oh wow we need to do more of this shit.

The comments are pretty great, I love the sprinkling of Chip fans, Opie quotes, regular people and dumb people who think that posing with someone makes you an amazing person.

The heading is perfect, "I Hadn't seen him smile since Christmas."