I don't know how anyone tolerated Opie over the years

4  2017-06-15 by Openy

I'm attempting to listen to O&A shows from 2008. You'd think that was the prime of their show, and it kind of was, if the show was just Ant and Jim.

Opie is the fucking WORST on these things. THE WORST. See how I said it twice like Jimmy does sometimes? That's for emphasis. YUCCCKKKKHHH, you know, like Jimmy does, but with 10x more phlegm? You're not disgusted with the media any more than the rest of the room is, and your forced UGH won't convince the listener, you 90 day fiance watching faggot. Opie is the kid in school that repeated every inside joke until it wasn't funny anymore. BIG BOY'S GOT THE BIG BAT TODAY

Just let Anthony tell his story about Concho Pete again without throwing in a "yeah" or "mm-hmm" or "riiiiight hyuck hyuck exactly" every single time he stops talking to breathe. We know you're there, you don't have to say "buahaha there ya go that's the bit you guys" to remind us.

His desperate attempts at being on the same page as Jim or Ant, "They're laughing like it's Woody Allen's moose bit, right Jimmy?" "Why do they doooo thaaaat?" (always said with a high-pitched whine)

The forced mannerisms and reminding everyone he still exists aren't even the worst of it. It's the fucking laughs. This hack has at least 3 different laughs. You've got the imp laugh HEHEHEHEHE like a mad scientist's hunchback assistant, the puke laugh HYUCK HYUCK HYUCK HYUCK, and the staccato laugh IH IH IH IH IH.

How he laughs isn't even as irritating as when he continues laughing in the background 30 seconds later, the topic has changed and someone is trying to talk, and all you hear is EH EH EH EH hand hits console, and finishes it off with a "haaa......haaa...... haaaaa", as if him and everyone else is laughing so hard that they've got to calm down before someone has another heart attack.

TL;DR Am I obsessed? Perhaps. I just miss being naive and thinking that Opie belonged on one of the greatest radio shows of all time that had his name in the title.


Tell what you really think!

I'm just telling it like it is

Listening to show for while is like being married for while you can shut your hearing off and ignore their noise that wife or opie make. you come to this sub and its all pointed out how shitty he was.then play old shows then you get enraged at him

Are you posting via Morse code?

Just for the record it was Anthony who brought that 90 day fiancé bullshit to the show.

I was going to say real housewives of whatever, Opie watched all of those shows then pretended not to. I thought the whole 90 day fiance coverage was a drawn-out plug by TLC.

Yeah that was Opie

Anthony would have preferred if the show was "90 Day Old Fiance"

even Ant would wait at least 90 months.

You mean weeks I think man.

He needs them to have their testicles dropped, before he even thinks about sending an ipad.

The made millions and millions for tolerating him. Cash is pretty much tolerance juice.
