


How did he get his own arm over his shoulder like that?

Ant has 3 arms.

This picture is confusing. Is that Ant? Why is he so fat? He sort of looks like a really, really handsome Chris Cornell. My fusiform face area also picked up some Jay Oakerson, strange

Alcoholism makes your face bloat and you're nose bulbous.

The fact that you got the first "your" right and the second wrong suggests YOU'RE speaking from present and personal experience. Or you're just a dyslexic mong.

Ore I'm just yousing a fucking fone.

That Lord Jamar.

I like that nigger cuz he hates faggots like I do, but he also hates white people, which I am. As long as he influences one fag basher he's ok in my book.

looks like maddox

This is one of the few pictures where he doesn't look like a black (sub-saharan) gentleman. Here he looks more like the picture at the top of a story -

"Antwan's family are still in shock and disbelief as to how he could have carried out this atrocity. His mother, Yasmina, told AP reporters 'He was my only boy and he was a good boy. We hadn't seen him for a few months after he fell in with some boys from the local Wahabbi mosque but I still can't believe these charges. What they're accusing my Antwan of is not the boy I knew.' "

Inigo montoya lookin ass

He pumps gas at a raceway station.

The fact that this man considers himself Caucasian really is ridiculous.