Our Hero/Future King/Save Us



More jewy James Rolfe lookin ass nigga

this game is anal sauce

You'd all be DEAD if it wasn't for this man!

Hide your gold! The jew is coming.

Paging Dr. Faggot.


It just goes to show how pointless the internship program is. They discovered his talent for radio bits, but spends his days explaining to people how bad 9/11 was.

he spends his days explaining to people how bad 9/11 was.

While holding back his evil jew laughter.

If the internship helped him get his job and he's making good money and content with his life then I don't think it was a pointless experience. Even if it didn't, that's the gamble you take with any internship, and at least he got something about himself he can kind of gloat about out of it. Even if the joke's pointed at him, being a part of the David and Bobo show, doing Kosher Sports, spending time with Patrice O'Neal along with a large assortment of other successful (to one degree or another) stand-up comedians is a more notable accomplishment than most people can say about their lives.

Pyramid brick dust...

I don't know why you guys love David so much. He told a nice young lady, "Nice scarf, cuntface." He's rude.


don't be snude

I didnt know! Hes even better now

I hear he's also jewish.

Ya kiddin

Is that DeRosa?

No. Joe DeRosa would be wearing a T-shirt marketed towards people half of his age like Carl "The Fag Cuban" Ruiz, another hilarious friend of the show.

Wait, Carl wears a Wu-Tang shirt.

How does DeRosa act when Shame on a Nigga comes on ? How down is he ? Does he mouth Nigga, say N word, or edit it out? I wish to know these things . Is it different if he is with his fine Ethiopian friends,or his Africian American friends, or his Juden , or white people? What about mixed groups.? I would love to study all scenarios. I bet he gets rowdy with the volcano niggas though.

We call them pineapple niggers too.

DeRosa is a lot like Opie. Souless, and gloms onto and adapts to whatever is popular in culture/friends.

They are both souless worms, and deserve all the hate they get

Someone should create a facebook and pose as a hot married woman and then "romance" him.

He would make a poor lampshade.

Is there any video out there of David growling when he was touched?

Imagine David Fried being a Trump advisor, replacing Jared Kushner...

At this point, who else can MAGA?

Look at this yid

I hear he has the power to raise your rent just by staring you in the eyes. This is a very powerful Jew.

My David!!!

The Jew will lie to you, Chippah.

Why cant someone call into jim and sam from the 9/11 memorial museum, and trick david into getting on the phone. Say youre friend needs directions and as soon as he says hello, boom, we got david back

They would have to ask David's permission before they put him on the air. I don't think David's parents want him bringing anymore shame on their family by appearing on the show.

alright well sinve that wont work, kidnap the fuck

That's too low brow for that middle of the road show

We need to convince Bobo 9/11 was an inside job and send him to the museum to protest David

Its the david and bobo show.

oooooOOOOOOOOh noooooOOOOOOOoooo

"Do you watch it every week, every day. Lost, when it's on, every week?"

I remember rewinding that line over and over wondering how the fuck someone could construct a sentence that way.

David really is a putz

aaand me! Stalker Patti!!

OoooOOooh nOOOoooooooo it's Daaaavid and BooOBOooooO

I can easily imagine this picture next to the headline '13 disembodied heads discovered in basement of Queens serial killer'.

I serve the one true king! His name is King David and his catchphrase is "Aoooaawwwww!"

He is part of jew conspiracy on 9/11. He was chosen to be put in that job because of his intelligence,quick thinking and not fold under pressure when questioned about the connection.Truthers don't stand a chance. He is master of deflection while towing the "company" line

I miss that oblivious dullard

His landlord ink enriches us all.

i watch him on you tube, the angry radio jew nerd

King David the Intern will return to unite Israel

Someone copy and paste the linked in message he gives when random people add him.

lots of love to you sweetheart, kiss kiss

Heeby Kikeburger, at your service.

My David

I miss him more than he'll ever know