Big Jay Oakerson dresses like the gang members from Deathwish 3

52  2017-06-15 by TinKnockinMoroccan


I remeber Otto talking about this movie. "This old Jewish couple. Why don't they just move?" That movie is fun garbage.

It's up there with cobra

He no business doing that!


That video cuts off right before Bill Burr's cameo.

So no one is going to make the "Anth's big screen debut" joke?

"They killed the biter, man."

The Giggler scene is probably the best, but the second best is when they pull the chain on the biker gang.

holy shit, that ended just like a story from /r/thathappened

"and then everyone applauded"

A negro criminal gets gunned down in the street and the fat black lady DOESN'T take his side? This movie is so fake.

Motherfuckerin' Gigglee had been stealing purses and selling loose cigarette. Nigga had it coming.

I'm watching it on my phone. They comment on how the Giggler never gets caught because he can run so fast. Couldn't outrun the AutoMag. This movie rules.

thats a compliment right?

Elvis sure got fat.

Those people look way cooler than Big Jay. Big Jay dresses like he's listening to POD on a discman all day. Loose, baggy JNCOs with a wallet chain, frosted tips, manicured eyebrows, beefy Hanes XL generic numetal T-shirt, white tube socks, dollar store cotton gloves with the fingers cut off. Big Jay has the worst fashion sense I've ever seen.

He's also fat.

not really but i appreciate the sentiment

Charles Bronson and Black Sidekick Friend on the fire escape with the WWII machine gun. Greatest scene in motion picture history.

I love old and worn out Charles Bronson shooting bad guys. Cannon films are awesome.

Lost Boys was on TV last night. I heard Jay saying he saw that movie hundreds of times. He's going for the fat vampire look

Death Wish 3 is a goddamn masterpiece. That rape scene tho

Elvis sure got fat.

I'm watching it on my phone. They comment on how the Giggler never gets caught because he can run so fast. Couldn't outrun the AutoMag. This movie rules.