I listened to the last 5 minutes of OpieRadio, AMA!

9  2017-06-15 by Dannyprecise


Why do you hate yourself?

I don't. I was in my brand new 2018 Audi that came with a trial subscription to XM and I was bored with my Google Play Music playlist so I dove in to Faction Talk.

Say more brand names...

SiriusXM, Apple, Google, Cole Haan, Coach, Express.


I wish you and your stupid Audi would dive off a mountain.

Nigga out here just shillin

Were you on your way to get some free Olive Garden endless breadsticks?

No, it was this morning. It was a replay. I'm a highly educated former illegal immigrant that was heading to his high paying job.

Oooooo cunty

You're going to die in seven days.

How do I stop this?

If you want to make this sub (and world) a better place you won't.

But I'm a great contributor to our global society.

Kill yourself during day 2

But I have a lot to live for.

Why, because you're rich AND good looking? It's not worth it.

Can you describe sherrod's contribution?

They must have be talking about some fish Opie caught and put on the gram and Opie said some dude made it better than any restaurant ever had. Even better then he ever had and Sherrie says "dassaseabassdo"

Sir, I question the authenticity of this account but will not suffer the burden of investigating it.

Who was in studio?

Wait let me answer... Vic, Sherrod, chef?

Didn't hear Vic; heard his name get mentioned. Yes to Sherrod. And Sabor Chef, as he apparently calls himself.

Sabor is Spanish for flavor.

Holy shit Opie is cancer. Can it be October yet?

"I was a saucier"

What I hope happens to him:


Saucier, huh? This is what I hope happens to him.

Bye bye, tiger!

can you believe they end the show everyday with the Will Smith song from Men in Black 2?

No idea. I turned it off and put on Hot 97

So you didn't hear the last 5 minutes

tsss more like dannyapproximate eh, KL?

I listened this morning from 7:52-7:57 and changed it as soon as I heard they were finished. I didn't stay for the outro music.

How would you describe the width of your asshole? Like a Red Bull can or closer to a beer bottle?

I'm thinking size of a mason jar.

5 minutes post waking up, it's pretty agape. With shit being evacuated from the lower GI tract. Any other time, I'd say it's pretty tight.

can confirm

That show sounds like some computer generated simulation of fun conversation, but all the words are just randomly chosen and nothing makes any sense; just punctuations of laughter in between unintelligible sentences of jibberish. It's like hearing the nonsense jabbering of your unconscious mind droning in the background of your thoughts. I can't concentrate on it for more than a minute or two until it falls into the background like aural wallpaper. In short, Opie raqio stinks and I don't like it.

The prolixity of your comment was redundant and verbose as you restated many of the same things multiple times in a superfluous manner such that the gratuitous repetition of the nonessential provided an abundance of the same.

TL;DR: You were not niggardly.

I'm just going to assume you crammed a bunch of peckahs in your yap right after, so I guess my question is: how did they taste?


How did your loved ones get your brains off the wall?

Did they Jazz It Up today? YEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH!


I don't. I was in my brand new 2018 Audi that came with a trial subscription to XM and I was bored with my Google Play Music playlist so I dove in to Faction Talk.

Didn't hear Vic; heard his name get mentioned. Yes to Sherrod. And Sabor Chef, as he apparently calls himself.