Famous lardass and millionaire pavement ape hold's Wonder Woman party for privileged white girls

9  2017-06-14 by crookedmile


Chicago will always be gay for having a street named after this bitch.

Pavement ape?

A black.

i learn so much on this sub.

Even her palms are darker.

I was surprised. That's a creative one...well, a new one at least.

New to a choir boy, such as yourself.

Wonder Woman was a fun time, I enjoyed it, but it is deficient in important areas. The movie's "social importance" (fucking ugh) and its general watchability are blinding people.

It's a movie from a McDonald's cup. The fact that it's being lauded is a testament to the susceptibility of women to marketing when it's disguised as self-praise.

Wonder Woman is the greatest film of the year.

The year being 2007.

Unless she can make sandwiches at the speed of light, she won't be wondering which hole my dick is going in when I get home.

It's a movie from a McDonald's cup. The fact that it's being lauded is a testament to the susceptibility of women to marketing when it's disguised as self-praise.

Wonder Woman is the greatest film of the year.

The year being 2007.