3 guests with combined followers of 5,512

5  2017-06-14 by porsalin


Okay 551 followers might be the lowest amount of followers yet for Cumia guest.

No Joe DeVito? no deal.

Surprisingly, he has nearly 10k followers.

I guess all of those compound media appearances are paying off.

It's his name that is close to Danny Devito that is paying off.

Joe's too big for compound

It's kind of amazing how bad this is going. There are youtubers with 10k subs who can probably bigger names than this.

He can barely get Norton and Colin in anymore.

Colin hasn't been on in over a year

haha, circling the drain

All of them combined couldn't touch Bobo, he's sitting at almost 200k.

And he's on the bleachers with no mic

These guys are Compound regulars. This is like their 5th-6th time on Anthony's show.

So they've already received the coveted Compound Media bump?

what happened to that professional booker?

When we get to the city...

Back off, pal! These fellas have a TV show. You all know that's what matters these days. Being represented in a dying medium with noone actually watching you.

That nigger that got into a fight with neal Brennan's brother had around 400 followers last time I checked

Jimmy Martinez had about 800 I think?

Yeah he does now... this was a while back when he had that fight


Is that not very many?