Which One Of You Shitbirds Went On A Diet?

20  2017-06-14 by F_H_Rileys_MaitreD


I don't know, but the decor checks out.

Christmas fleece blanket must be a step up from browning lace curtains

Compound Media gave that man cancer and AIDS.

Some of it was hair weight

I hope he lost his appetite for Compound Media.

Christ, that place is a dump. Bottom floor apartment, efficiency I'm guessing

My place is similar. My only consolation is that I own it and it isn't ground floor. This sub isn't exactly r/success or whatever.

You're a winner in my book sir. No one should have to interact with Brother Joe.

This sub does stink

He looks good though.

+1 for not being a tub of shit anymore

Why don't you just blow him and get it over with, faggot

Maybe. I dunno, is he rich?

No, rich is married to Bonnie.

tssssssssssssssss fukin buried im

It's got to suck to loose that much weight and still be pretty unattractive. I say fuck it - just eat.

He went from a kid rapist, to just rapist.

That's actually how he lost the weight. Adults run faster.

It's got to suck to not know lose and loose are two different words


He went from the Bob Kelly look to the Travis look, but he's losing his hair and wearing a spider man shirt so you know he has a few more fats left in him.

Unless it's buckshot we don't give a fuck.

Some day that photo will be on the news as they identify the latest mass shooting.

He's got the worst hairline I've ever seen, but at least he's (slightly) less of a fat cunt.

That piece of shit house should be condemned.

Less fat, same terrible taste in t-shirts

The fact that he actually managed to better himself in some way leads me to believe he probably doesn't post here.


The after picture is the one on the left

Just going to the gym and eating better

Fat or skinny, you can't get rid of the smell of white trash.

Christmas fleece blanket must be a step up from browning lace curtains