Since Pulp Fiction has the word "Badass" ever been used to refer to someone who was actually an admirable person?

0  2017-06-14 by Ant_Sucks

It seems to be universally used by mediocre dumpy women to describe each other.


It really does seem to be strictly used for old politicians and fat actresses.

First they took back the night, then White Feminists took back reclaimed "badass"

Others or themselves.

This guy is a badass. No shame in admitting it.

was "badass" used in Pulp Fiction? are you mistaken for the wallet that says bad motherfucker on it? my autism is giving me anxiety

My first thought. I'm going through the entire screenplay in my head right now, I'll report back.

Much like how in "Snakes on a Plane", Sam jackson is dubbed in the TV version as saying 'I've had it with these Monkey-fighting snakes, on this Monday-to-Friday plane'

it was also the case for Pulp Fiction on the TV dubs, the "ASS" expanded over the 12 letters of 'motherfucker'

trust me, i'm not lying

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