What's Sam's favorite time of the day?

38  2017-06-14 by goldstandard32



Chicken nuggy time.

You mean chicken niggy time. Because Sam is a mutant nigger hybrid

Whenever Monday Night Raw airs.

I like this joke. It's good, wholesome, innocent humour. Something that's been sadly lacking in recent, troubling times.

My favorite time is 80085

You passed the audition. Welcome to the crew sockcucker.

Tss it looks like it says Sam

Oh...I get it
I was going to say the few minutes on the way to work when he stops by his mommy's house to get his paper-bag lunch,a hand-job, and peck on the cheek.

When he's gobbled his chicken nuggets and his alleged wife tucks him into his race car bed.


Fawk ya!!!

It took me way too long to get this joke.

I can't stop laughing, yet you're the one that's retarded.

I hate you so much.

I like that this joke got upvotes here, in this aligator pit.

I just now got it. I hate you. And myself.

Nahh its 2:30 coz theres a buncha peckahs smashin against his molars tss

Rude awakening time.CHICKENS DON'T HAVE FINGERS.