Grandpa Jim thinks app developers "should get a finger broken every time they program the weather wrong"

57  2017-06-14 by RamonFrunkis

The first thing he said this morning was another invaluable insight from the channel's tech guru. I don't know how, but I do know they pull the information from NOAA/NWS or another atmospheric agency's/company's API.


Jimbo really thinks there's a man controlling his weather app and he just types the numbers in every day. "75 and sunny, better send that info to Jim's phone."

It is really going to blow his mind once he finds out it is the HAARP System...

Thermite apps!!

Those jizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz bags

Two days in a row Jim has said could care less instead of couldn't. Somebody should make a list of all the dumb shit they saw in the span of one show.

It would be the length of the show.

He learned that misnomer from Ant--been doing a listen through of XM shows and he says "could care less" once every ten shows or so and that greasy crater face was never once corrected.

Thats a very common saying

And a dumb one to boot.

Somebody should break his fingers for every one of those

Partly cloudy with a chance of tepid dad-takes.

I get a finger broken every time I use grindr and a fat guy sits down too fast on it.

Jimmy's a fuckin' high school drop out. His head almost exploded the first time he saw someone use 'the little man' on Google Maps for street view.

"Can they get podcasting equipment into the city?" - James Roads Scholar Norton


It's Rhodes, actually.

Ohhh literal clay!

And he knows that Einstein is wrong about that no-faster-than-light- travel. I mean, it just doesn't make sense.

that don't make no sense*

Being dumb is like being crazy, dumb people don't know how dumb they are, if they did they wouldnt be dumb

used to fire off....* now his brain is slowing, Chip is basically what Jim's going to be when he's got dementia in a nursing home, saying things HE thinks is funny that no-one else gets. On a positive note, it's a very good coping strategy, so he'll be fine!

Holy shit am I looking forward to that. An elderly man telling a bunch of orderlies to suck his peckah, dvv dvv dvv.

I think it has more to do with refusing to know anything new past 1980s, cumio wouldn't be surprised by Google Street view

Jim just doesnt understand the weather as it is presented to him

Look at me, I'm OP and I'm a big fucking dweeb who got swirleys everyday because I say words like "API."

Scram, poindexter.

Easy, Ogre.

I apologize, the shooting in Virginia has me riled up this morning.

The Israeli revisionist history, white/ball washing psuedointellectuals did it for me.

Hmmm the John and Jeff show comes to Jim and Sam.

"We're two guys who think app developers should get a finger broken every time they program the weather wrong."

"We're two guys who think that playing with wrestling toys doesn't make you gay."

Old you deserve to be under mass surveillance by the NSA because you like celebrity nude photos Jimmy always has the best insights on technology

Lol that cringey shit he did on Rogan, nsa paparazzi good good!! Too bad Rogan didn't take the bait

Let it be known that during this segment, Jim Horton also said, "I put my plants outside on my terrace. I didn't know you had to water them."

pays a luddite ex-cop to follow him around and "provide security" but doesn't pay for a once-a-week cleaning lady to come water his begonias

She is too busy changing urine-soaked sheets.

Was it an attempt for a joke or was he serious?

Was it an attempt for a joke or was he serious?


He lives in ny why does he even care? Weather means nothing

Take out their retinas!

Fuck off... Sweet boy got damp... Heads should roll...

Now, where are his fucking eggs... it's time to tinkle...

It rained for maybe 30 minutes this morning. Jim has to walk from the door to the curb and the curb to the door. His orthopedics got a bit soggy.

i got fucking drenched, but i didnt cry. it was actually nice considering how hot it was yesterday

And don't get him started at Cartoon makers..

Jim couldnt PASS one meteorology class much less comment on the innacuracy of the weather

The app developers have nothing to do withgetting the weather wrong.

I haven't been on board with all of the Jim hate but holy fuck does he make it hard to still like him when he keeps saying shit like this

Maybe Jim should get a tooth pulled every time he tells a unfunny joke