Stevie destroys Anthony's public access show desk

53  2017-06-14 by JMueller2012


that was pretty funny ,ESD is a pussy and Stevie is a crazy old dork

Dave is poor as shit, he can't pay for that. No wonder that he freaked out.

It's how every fight involving Dave has ever went. Roland, Master Po etc.

Wow. This is really a sad state of affairs, to put it mildly.

This is the best thing I've ever seen on Compound media. Dave lives in the tradition of Ron & Fez, working a bit into a shoot. The man is a talent, not a fighter.

Eeeeeeeeeeeew Sissy Dave.

Did a dick poke Dave in the eye?

Did anyone call the cops yet?

Ya see that? When the shit hits the fan, a real man doesn't run. A real man makes an obese slob who almost certainly smells like dirty taint restrain his attacker. A real man screams "CALL THE COPS!!" 15 times while frantically pacing around. A real man resumes talking shit when you have been removed from the premises.

How about the initial "uh, john/ garrett get in here". ESD is a Real Ass Bitch.

Did we ever think he wasn't​?

Best part: Batman Kurlan couldn't peel himself from his phone to even look up. Begging for Mets ticket money is a full time gig.

You sound like you don't love him anymore.

can someone please punch bobo?

Wether he's witnessing Omaha Beach or watching grass grow, he just has that dead, impassive look on his face.

Autistic mutant.

Lifeless eyes...

Unfortunately Mr Stevie is at very high risk for suicide...middle-aged male, substance abuse issues, failed comedian

AKA This won't end well

Add ESD to that list as well.

" right there...St....St.....St....Stevie."

Bobo tottering over at -11:05

His jorts even slipped up above his shins for a sec.

Stevie Lew is a fucking pussy!!

ESDS looks like a fun time. If only people could trust Keith the Cop with their credit card to subscribe...

If only people could watch past episodes on youtube to see what it's like before subscribing. If only the show were a podcast instead so people could listen while driving. If only the owner of the network weren't a repulsive racist.


Racism = grody

Its the best.

I gave you a forum for a goddamn year

To be fair to whoever this Stevie guy is, that forum is Compound Media, so the audience is about 50 racist fatasses in the tri-state area.

I'm from Britain, you ignoramous.

ESD - So Brave and Edgy.


Dave usually shits on Stevie Lew for the entire show to make himself look better. It's very over the top and stupid, but that was their bit. He looked a little woozie all show and he looked sick, but despite that Dave asked him to perform some of his jokes from his open-micer stand-up comedy routine because he'll have a show scheduled this week and Dave wanted to help promote it. He was bombing and Dave was constantly yelling and hackling him. The video starts after he finishes his act and they're discussing it.

You know this how? Are you an actual subscriber to Compound Media?!

Yep...he's the one!

I'm subbed for the next 100 years. I might as well watch.

Nosferatu Cumia will be just starting to hit his stride around year 80

Once the studio in Transylvania gets up and running the show will really start to get good.

They offer a deep discount for longer term subscriptions.

"I'm not tough guy, but I'll have other people beat you up, you fucking pussy."

This is already all over TMZ and ET. People are asking if this is just a publicity stunt to promote his new blockbuster.

Nah, I'm just kidding. We are in an exclusive group of 12 people who have witnessed this moment.

CNN is reporting that Stevie Lew and East Side Dave have business dealings with Russia, tying them to Trump.


These are grown men still getting into schoolyard fights. Losers.

What a sad looking group of people. What's with that band-aid falling off his face.

I want to slap him for thinking this is entertainment

He has skin cancer. He revealed that at the beginning of the show. If you cant find humor in this sadness your fucked up. Davey Mac is one is a kind.


"I'm a talk show host!"

this is the 2nd time I watched this now. as someone pointed out in the other thread about this, ESD's whole crazy man shtick is gone. such a fucking pussy, starts calling for help RIGHT away. Garret, John, Big A, come in here, get him out.

such a fucking pussy. steve lew is also a fucknig pussy, his twitter reads like a try hard tough guy wanna-be.

The world has disowned Dave. No one gives a shit but us few people here and the Compound Media ballwashers who still think that red-faced, cuckolded, unemployed 40 year old is going to break big any day now.

Disown Dave? His wife already did.

Wow. If this isn't good reason to go throw money at the Cumia shit network I don't know what is. Also, can someone screen grab the fat retard on the first row with the one clap during everyone else applauding?

are you referring to bobo?

I guess I should've been more specific on which retard I'm referring to among the many, the fat dork in the dirty bat man shirt.

Dave's lucky Stevie didn't push him through that window.

Thats not a real window!

Oh, Literal MartyVanB!

Whew. Wasnt sure i was going to get one

What the fuck is Bobo doing there? Hasn't he been begging for money? How about getting a fucking job bagging groceries or something? He's an undeserving Man of Leisure.

Bobo is a regular audience member of the ESD show. They kiss almost every episode.

He has a job!!! But he puts all his money in savings so give him yours

Stevies face looks like carrottop, but he is turniptop.

Didn't Rat went to greener pastures? I think I saw a fat version of him putting the desk back up.

That's our awesome Garrett.

Jesus. Garrett's career really took off, eh?

That fuckin Kratom man...

Didn't tranpa waits months for professionals to build him that tonight show desk? I probably could have made one for fifty bucks.

Fighting back is a bad idea next to a 5k keyboard and someone else's studio equipment. Dave's mistake was calling him back into the studio.

Before the stand-up, seemed like Dave was trying to cheer him up. Whatever though, it was a good show before Stevie and will be after.

It got removed, anyone got a backup?

When a pussy starts to get physically restrained they always oversell the exaggerated HOLD ME BACK BRO gesturing. If Stevie was a true scrapper, the strength of ten Big As couldn't have contained his fury. The buildup to the desk flip was a little contrived, but Big A and Dave did seem to be genuinely surprised when Stevie finally came at them. Flutesy is as oddly sexy as ever, even when seen from a distance on the bleachers here; her odd sexiness the only thing that ever really stands out from any ESD-on-Compound content, even when crazy drama of this caliber is unfolding.

If anthony really paid $8K for this shitty desk he deserves his being broke soon. Seriously, him and Keith can't do anything right at all

Anthony said, that he wants that episode up there, just so people can see the crazyness and to give Dave more exposure, which Anthony thinks Dave is not getting enough.

are you referring to bobo?

I guess I should've been more specific on which retard I'm referring to among the many, the fat dork in the dirty bat man shirt.