Liberal Faggot Stephen King Blocked by Trump on twitter

0  2017-06-14 by Stankysnatch82

Dont blame him, his tweets are as bad as his books, lesbian looking cunt.


I bet if you posted this in The_Donald, someone would give a shit.


Better watch out for this one, sharp as a rapier

better believe it nigga

We don't really take kindly to your type around here. Consider suicide.

Very edgy too, you should consider becoming a Shock Jock.

Plot twist: Op is Opie

Good idea, you can be my sherrod, talks shit and is also a faggot.

Oof we have a proudboi roastmaster here.

Quit spoiling us, save it for the podcast sweetie.

sweetie? queer.

"Dont blame him" What exactly does that mean here? Dont blame King for being blocked by trump?

Yes, because our president's tweets are always so coherent and clever. If nothing else, Trump is a master of nuance. Faggot.

I wouldn't know, twitters for single mothers…cunt.

So you're on Twitter, but you only follow Stephen King... Got it.

Nope afraid not, hence criticism, try to keep up.

Patrice really was a prophet when he said that Twitter proves that celebrities aren't better than you.