Prom photos that trigger Anthony 1 of 1

13  2017-06-14 by ok_to_sink


Shit, I think this upsets everyone.

Is that a Burger King crown?

Nah, Family heirloom passed down from when they wuz kangs

It's from his greatgreatgreagregreat grandfather. It came with a leprechaun flute. (Linger longer!)

What is this fellow enchantresses name lets call him Nia. Those hands down on the farm are known as cabbage collectors

Now its time to play everyones favorite gameshow " Tranny or acid attack survivor?"

Whoever told her that was a good look is not her friend.

jesus christ, it's like a monkey in a wig.

Wow, racist.


well, yeah.

A mandrill, to be precise

I don't mean to state the obvious but that makeup is not good.

Is the guy on the left a white jersey guido with a tanning bed addiction or is he black?

What the fuck is this? I'm too lazy to Google image search it

It took me a few seconds to realize that wasn't an actual monkey's face photoshopped on that "woman".

Big ol' hands there.

Just a couple o' knockaround guys, wearin' crowns and partying down.

Anthony's self-hating racism says no. But his immense faggotry says yes.

We wuz kangs...and cats