'why are there so many terrorist attacks?' 8/25

11  2017-06-13 by andrewjacksonjihads


Actually it's whiny white faggots who are the most dangerous.

Wow, what a courageous stance to take coming out against the KKK on Reddit. He's one of the good white people.

yeah, definitely leaves his car doors unlocked when a certain kind of people walks by. "I like rap too homie"

One time my stepdad (he's KKK) told me he was "sick of all those darkies taking all our jobs" and when I (A Lib Dem) pointed out to him that the numbers show Black people mostly don't have jobs he called me a "statistics nigger". :(

Your n-scores are through the roof.

that's the bit

Thanks sonny

I grew up in the Klan, when Duke left he took a lot with him. Now most of the old guys I know are on to "the joos did it". A Klan meeting anymore is 10 narcs from different alphabet agencies that don't communicate so none of them know each other, maybe 4-5 CWN and maybe 1 legit supremacist. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

like 1 percent of Americans are Muslims while 25 percent believe the bible is the literal word of god.

I know which group is the actual threat to our freedoms.


They can't keep getting away with it.

Are you a racial egalitarian?


Well then you live in a delusional world as moronic as any biblical literalist. There's wasn't a magic little ghost sitting on the shoulder of humanity making sure evolution stopped at the brain silly-billy. That's a fairy tale.

You live in a fantasy world just like the Christians. That's quite funny to me.

Statistically, African's are the most genetically diverse and evolved humans on earth.

Actually about one hundred thousand years after the emergence of AMH you have populations in Africa that you'd recognize today as sub-Saharan Africans. It's the migrations out of Africa that expose humanity to radically different conditions, challenges and bottlenecks -- among other things.

LOL at 'most evolved' whatever the fuck that means.

PS Africans, with close competition from Australian Aboriginals, are also the stupidest.

See, like I say, you live in a faith based fantasy universe. You're no different to the Christians you shit on. I love that.

Africans have extremely high levels of genetic and language diversity. You asked me if I thought humans stopped evolving at the brain, and I gave you an example of how they did not. And in particular, how Africans have perhaps been evolving more than any other group of humans.

By the way, if you can find a way to untangle culture and genetics and prove that one group of humans is genetically distinct from another in a way that would significantly impair or advantage them. I'm sure you'd win a Nobel prize. So have at it.

Maybe we're at crossed wires. I'm talking about the idea that tends to underpin the ideology of racial egalitarianism which I would describe as 'Despite humans evolving in vastly different environments and being separated from a common ancestor for sometimes 100,000 years and despite stark superficial differences having emerged in different human groups when it comes to psychological traits -- especially intelligence -- all human groups have equal distribution of those traits.'

Which is, of course, a fantasy made for children by mainly Marxist academics. If you believe that, you're no better than a young Earth creationist.

I think the vast majority of human beings are on equal footing. There are cases on the extremes where we don't see as many people from certain ethnic groups.

An example would be sprinting. Are Jamaicans just genetically the best sprinters? Or is Jamaica a country that facilitates an environment where exceptionally good sprinters are scouted from a young age and given the opportunity to excel? Are is it both?

If there was a clear answer to these questions, the person who figured it out would be regarded as one of the greatest scientific minds of all time.

Actually there are plenty of people working on the question but if they come up with a hereditarian -- West Africans have narrow hips, heaps of fast-twitch muscle fiber for instance -- answer they get excommunicated. Try the book Troublesome Inheritance by Wade the former NYT science writer.

Great introduction for the layman to the hereditarian side.

(And yes, he was excommunicated by the Inquisition for his heresy.)

(And yes, he was excommunicated by the Inquisition for his heresy.)

Calm down, Alex.

The sprinting point is so fucking retarded as well. Whites and West Africans have had access to the same level of facilities and opportunities for a long time -- you could argue that many WA haven't even had access that's equal to many whites -- yet completely dominate the 100 meter final so you could have answered your own question before asking it.

You think Jamaica doesn't have a higher cultural selective pressure to find the best sprinters than America?

What about Basketball in predominantly black urban communities than say, suburban white communities?

Look up the world championship results and Olympic results for the last forty years. It's mostly Americans. Usain Bolt dominates now but he was more interested in Cricket as a kid -- it's actually the most popular sport in Jamaica.

Look up all the profiles for the medals at those events and you'll find the one thing that links them for the most part is West African ancestry.

US has a much larger population.

Also, I'm not saying there is NO Genetic component, but there is also a cultural one.

You're not even making any argument. I'm saying that those of West African have an distinct advantage because they posses traits that are advantageous in sprinting which come, in no small part, from their genes.

Also, it doesn't matter what 'culture' you introduce into Japan they're never going to dominate Basketball or sprinting because they lack the distribution of traits necessary to dominate those sports.

The point I'm trying to make is that culture has the ability to fulfill genetic potential but never exceed it. That's a generality of course but for example where I come from Little Athletics is one of the highest -- it might be the highest -- sports in terms of participation we have. We're a majority European ancestry country yet we don't send many finalists to sprinting finals -- with notable exceptions.

In other words we have an extremely pro-athletics culture yet, because we don't have the genetic potential, rarely achieve the heights those of Western African descent will.

Opie sucks. You guys are faggots for having this conversation in this sub. Go literally anywhere else. And then kill yourselves. Kratom. Peckas.

I'm gunna stop posting these things if you's guys are gunna keep posting boring stuff

It's my fault. Thankfully a cure for autism and being an annoying fuck is pretty close to being a reality.

watchin you #>:(

I'm getting exhausted just reading this. Arguing with progressive liberals is like arguing with goldfish. Give it up, man.

I'll stop. I promise.

Nigguh, please. You don't know shit about 'the statistics'. You know what the priest class in academia and the press tells you to believe. You'd have been a religious zealot one hundred years ago. Accept it. Man never lost religion he just replaced it with ideology.

You know the funniest thing is that if you really trace the genealogy of that moral -- universal equality and brotherhood -- it's Christian. You're just a fucking Christian minus the Deity.

Again, I find that funny.

That's literally retarded.

Nailed me.

They both hate you.

That's not an exclusive club.

Don't worry. Europe has it sorted https://youtu.be/HiFTqMo6w7A

That Band leader had been waiting for that moment all his life, he probably sponsored every attack since 9/11, just so he could get to play guitar at a football stadium.

that would have been a great time for a terrorist attack

timing is everything, sand people

There's like 8 people left in the KKK.

It pretty much exists now only as a way for people to justify the shitty behavior of non-whites.

That Band leader had been waiting for that moment all his life, he probably sponsored every attack since 9/11, just so he could get to play guitar at a football stadium.

watchin you #>:(