Weekly SJW "Comedian":

10  2017-06-13 by TangerineReam


Saw this fella perform in Brooklyn recently. He did about a minute or so of apologizing and aligning towards the people he considers himself an "ally" to, before he said anything funny. FUCKING YUUUUCKKK.

Gay comedians used to be BRUTAL; WAY more savage than straight male comedians, whether the material was funny or not. Now they're just tools dispatched against "the patriarchy", because they're convinced everyone who belongs to it (if it even exists) wants them back to burning at the stake like in the old days:

  • Here's him railing against certain people enjoying themselves on a beach, because they apparently haven't earned it: https://twitter.com/ihatejoelkim/status/873913132527341568

  • Here's him railing against the same people he hated at the beach (guess who), while blasting them for even existing. Look dude: You live in a version of NYC thats slowly turning into LA's secondary echo chamber; it was already turning around in your favor during the 80's. CLAM UP AND ENJOY YOUR PARADE: https://twitter.com/ihatejoelkim/status/874363431079555073 (p.s.: Not that it isn't rough being gay in a small town; but I GUARANTEE the stuff he says happened to him didn't happen to him)

  • Here's a "satirical" video he made about why you should stop appropriating Gay Culture. It's not satire for two reason: 1. Someone like him would never make a video satirizing the people who make videos about culture appropriation 2. He truly believes in half the shit he's saying. Unresolved anger and emotions are projected ALL OVER this piece: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LobAQURjCxw&ab_channel=FunnyOrDie

This is a boy with strong emotional issues that needs scapegoats to vent them on: Good thing he doesn't have kids.

He mentioned at the show that he has a Comedy Central special he's taping soon, as part of Viacom's forced diversity quota. So if you got some gems to send his way, he might talk about it on his special (attn: cbanks420lol, whoever's still unbanned from twitter and is alive post-Kratom).

*Have fun, just DON'T go over the line, like JOCKTOBER: RANDY AND ALANA style. Among other things, we don't need the sub shutting down... *


You've put far too much effort into this.

We all have Jocktober-y itches to scratch, sir. Don't overthink it, here's a target, have fun.

Has anyone called him a faggot on twitter yet

I cant even see the replies on his posts for some reason

Why was he performing his set at Burger King?

*Brooklyn, sorry

Tsss cause he's king of the gays

Tsss SawkinDubleCocksGunSucka

A gaisian. How novel

I'm gay now so I feel the need to defend my homo brother in arms.

Kim is a good guy and I bet he has a really nice boipucci

fukc off hater, u just mad cuz this a Gay Boi sub now

If you're gay then you don't belong here. This place is for faggots.

The "beach bus" he's talking about is actually the Hampton Jitney. That's what the cool people call it. But he's extra cool because he makes fun of the people who are also on it with him.

I'm proud that I didn't kill myself after I had to leave my house because of it.

He's already done the latter, but I wish he'd reconsider the former.

that (terrible) video is clearly satire, man

I miss these weekly segments


did anyone get a response form him? I cant see comments under his tweets

That satire video was so cringey. The only thing worse than other people's over-bearing politics being forced down your throat is having zero sense of humour. He's got both.

If you're gay then you don't belong here. This place is for faggots.