I think I'm starting to side with Opie

0  2017-06-13 by Cawdor

Don't get me wrong, he still sucks a fat unfunny cock.

I'm listening to O&A 2009. Its September. Opie bothers me to the point where i have to stop listening constantly but Ant is starting to go off daily about Obama is socialist and wants to take his guns. I can't take it anymore.

I kinda get why Opie might have been happy to be rid of that.


Barack Obama ruined Opie and Anthony.

And your daughter's hymen :(

That don't make no sense.

He was implying that you have a daughter who fucks niggers.


It's disgusting that there are still some people out there who don't let Buzzfeed and Gawker tell them what to think.

I first started listening to O&A around 08'. Ant could be an annoying faggot, not just on guns and taxes either. Opie would play some goofy news clip, and Anthony would stop these clips constantly to over-explain them and excessively rant. That horseshit made me turn off the channel several times.

With that said, he could at least be funny and he wouldn't steer the ship away from anything funny. Thus, Opie is king faggot.

You're missing the point then. Opie didn't want funny happening. Purriod. It hurt his soul that the show had been getting more and more popular through funny people interacting with J&A while he had nothing to do with it. He wanted to do more bits so it could be more about him, and he was sick of people (rightfully) disregarding them.

That's why he wanted to get rid of both J & A.

Anthony: Obama wants mild increase in taxes, way behind the tax rate of most developed nations--- SOCIALISM!!!!11!!

God, he's way too old to be talking the way he does. It's like everything he knows about politics come from right-wing radio hosts (Savage, Jones, Limbaugh specifically) who are in themselves characters. That boi needs an education.

Unless he was hurling poker chips or stomping on a cake, Opie was a burden to an incredible show.

Steer the bus and enjoy the ride gregshells...