CP Broadcasting Loses Another Celebrity Guest.

29  2017-06-13 by EncinoEscobar


What a bunch of non communicating pussies

Wow. Not Reverend Bob. Don't wanna lose THAT exclusive. Maybe when the show gets the NYC studio he can come in more.

Hey, he's not on shore too often anymore, he's busy working the cruise ship circuit.

I still watch the show and it can be fucking rough. Ant on most shows, not exaggerating, doesn't even know the names of his guests. Without guests he just meanders through news items that have already been covered.

Zero prep, zero energy and he has absolutely no clue what's going on at the network.

His Alzheimer's will be amazing.


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Step 1: Mommy's shoes. Step 2: Mommy's haircut Step 3: Mommy's blowing bubbles in the applesauce

The show almost always defaults to talk about old movies and tv.

And the blacks.

Zero prep, zero energy and he has absolutely no clue what's going on at the network.

But enough about Opie, why does Ant's show suck?


The same can be said about Jim, all these seniors lol

What's the appeal of watching his shitty show then? I had a sub way back when his network was new. Foolishly, I thought he might've done something fun and creative, or at least humorous. But fuck, it was really really short on actual comedy. The format was boring as fuck. He invested far more into equipment than he did the actual content. I couldn't tolerate how low energy, and not giving a shit about entertainment he was. So what is it you stick around for?

Good question. Nostalgia? Kind of having similar politics? Hate watching as he has guests on regularly that he would have mocked savagely in his prime?

We have a good percentage of OnA shows online, I find those far superior. Not sure if O&A live is up yet, I mean the OnA part, but why not relive the better times? Catch the O&A shows you missed, maybe dive into when R&F was good,etc. And it's free, except for the occasional donation at your discretion.

I enjoy both.

The old shows don't hold up

Yell like pee


With the utmost of professionalism in mind, Compound Media communicates with the talent though Twitter. You need a worldwide brand if you're negotiating $100 contracts.

That's $100 per show.

Oh boy, is my face red only now it's just not from chronic alcoholism. Way to public humble me, sir.

Maybe he should get back on Xanax instead of crying like a cunt on Twitter. Fuck Bob.

5 1/2 hours to see Cumia? Egads.

5 1/2 hours, after gas money, Bob's kids won't be eating this week

Bob Leavy is actually the least talented and funny person in the O&A universe.

Hes got some tough competition but I think it's true. Opie is more entertaining (that hurt to type). Sherrod is funnier (ow). Random interns have better stories. He's completely empty of any redeeming qualities.

Somehow, Bob was the worst part of every segment with Lady Di or Marion.

"Hey sir. You're a man, fella." That didn't get old after 4 seconds.

"Oh, no no no no. I am a man?"

Speak for yourself, Opie would love a whole show filled with that!

It's actually impressive how unknown/not respected he is, considering how many famous people he knows and how many times he was on Stern/O&A.

After you hear his "comedy," it's not that impressive.

The king of fake laughs (Tranthony) sometimes doesn't even bother fake laughing at some of the shit Bob says that's meant to be funny. For that beta not to fake laugh means he must have had enough of him. He doesn't like confrontation remember, which is why he still fucked that teen tranny even when he saw her balls

Why don't they do this shit through a DM instead of a public forum??

they do it for US! dont you see?

It's just one unprofessional cock up after the next. It would be less embarrassing if he just went back to tin-knocking. Who's next? If he loses Pauly Walnuts it's curtains for TACS.

Not even Paulie. Its Johnny fucking Sacks!

I suddenly understand Carmella's frustration.

Vince is actually smart and interesting.

I don't get out of bed for less than $500, if you want me to drive five and a half hours you better blow me

Dare I say the show was better without Bob?

Celebrity guest

I think you just mean "guest"

sadly rev bob is battling benzo addiction and made an excuse to not come in. ive been there. i see the signs.

Anthony's show has been pretty good the past few weeks. Glad to see Bob didn't ruin the streak.

What happened? I cant see his tweets

5.5 hours? Where is he driving from? Tennessee?

Levy is the palest of colored men.

Hey, he's not on shore too often anymore, he's busy working the cruise ship circuit.