Was trolling liberals worth putting an autistic man in the White House?

0  2017-06-13 by DonaldObama81

Of fucking course it was. #MAGA


Go back to the donald faggot

I'm not really a fan, I just find it amusing. We were finished as a country years ago, so we might as well have a little fun with the retard before we're invaded by dirty Mexicans.

I'll have you know i run through the politics subs daily, and apparently the KKK and nazis are on the rise. Only that will be hispanics taking over will be a racially segregated subsect of national socialists

I don't vote and I couldn't give less of a shit about politics, but I don't know how anybody could regret this night.


Is existing as a human being worth it?

It's the same question. Everyone has a genetic urge to win. Win what? Whatever is perceived as being there.

Hillbilly rednecks had to endure a few decades where everyone agreed they were complete assholes. They needed their comeback.

give Baron time

I don't talk no politics mang


That was the entire point.

Absolutely. The world is so much more exciting