Sam once said he had the same resemblence of Christian Bale.

10  2017-06-13 by Stankysnatch82

Just listened to on old show, he actually said this, maybe he was referring to one of his logs?


He'd be a dead ringer for Christian Bale if Christian Bale looked like this:

Ever see the real documentary with that guy? It's awesome.

He looks more like a bale of hay with that jew fro and giant forehead.

After opening the arch of the covenant

arch what was it holdin up a big pecka or somethin?

In Empire of the Sun maybe.

Did you confuse him with John Malkovich in Empire of the Sun.

That looks more like E-Rock.

He also said his mom thought he looked like Shawn Michaels. He was mistaken in that she actually meant Sean Michaels, the black pornstar.

He got lucky that none of them remembered Shawn Michaels or they'd have destroyed him.

He probably said Shitstain in a pale

he reminds me of Marv getting electrocuted in home alone

In the Mechanist

Alien head Klingon Sam was talking about Christian Bale in The Machinist flick

After opening the arch of the covenant