Dindu Nuffin!

44  2017-06-13 by unclepaul84


Wall-eyed old nigger touching our white women. Take him to the glue factory.

Gotta give him credit for getting away with it for so long.

Pah. He didn't take it to his grave. Another weak American adaption of a gritty English story. The Jimmy Savile national treasure turned sex offender far better

These Pommie references mean nothing to me.

But at least it was a surprise when it turned out Cosby was a rape enthusiast. Just look at Jimmy Savile, you'd have to be blind not to know he's a child fucker.

Thing is plenty of comics said Cosby wasn't as clean cut as his image suggested. There is a partial link. We all made savile jokes too. Videos of people like gervais even doing it on TV as far back as 90's. John lydon said it in 70's. Both men get away by building a barrier via charity work etc. Never trust someone with a social voice.

That's Sir James Wilson Vincent Savile, OBE to you son

He's a knighted kid toucher

A Hannibal Buress joke brought him down. Which is probably the first, last, and only time anyone has ever given a shit about Hannibal Buress.

The proof is in the pudding

Skibbidy-zip do-bop!

Milky-eyed old fuck.

"She's loying" Bobo Cosby

I'm trying to turn 'Cosby' into a very: put your finger over your drink or you might get cosbied, I'd like to cosby her!

South Park beat you to it

I'm gonna give that girl a hot cosby

Here's the Urban Dictionary definition of cosby :

Verb. To drug a woman and then rape her while she is unconscious

"God damn did you see that bitch Jerry cosbied last night? She was fine as a mother fucker."

"Give me that GHB, I'm gonna cosby that bitch over there."

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gawd damn it! I didn't schumer it, I'm not loying

Another crater-faced spook attacking our white women.

those are cute little freckles, not pock marks

You cannot say filth flarm filth flarm filth TO PEOPLE

I ain't said no filth flarm filth. I don't know what you talkin about, fuck you.

Cosby and Sherrod have same nose

i.e. Impossible to break, no matter how hard and how often you punch it. A flat, bridge-less, boneless, broad schnoz.

It helps them break into places with small openings like rats do as long as their lips are not too big then its a wash.Way to defeat it is throw it in a lake when they try to swim will sink like rock unless they were trained to curl big upper lip back to block nostrils.

Bill is still more appealing to the ladies than Ant.

The best part is that he's so rich and famous that he absolutely did not have to do any of this shit, he could have had a steady stream of ten's jumping on his dick whenever he wanted.

This man is a lot more complicated then I Spy led me to believe.

This whole situation kind of feels like art that is genuinely too sublime for me to discern.

That niggas hazy cataract ridden eyeball dinsee nuffinz

Women say the darndest things!

No wonder they murdered his retarded nigger son.


Here's the Urban Dictionary definition of cosby :

Verb. To drug a woman and then rape her while she is unconscious

"God damn did you see that bitch Jerry cosbied last night? She was fine as a mother fucker."

"Give me that GHB, I'm gonna cosby that bitch over there."

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