"Jailhouse interviews were made illegal a few years ago" -Sam Roberts

39  2017-06-13 by cbanks420lol

This nigga is retarded.


Every day he makes an argument that he might actually be dumber than he is ugly, and then they post photographs of Sam with guests at the end of the show and we all realize that it isn't possible. He is the ugliest kike I have ever seen. I blame Hitler for not finishing the beautiful plan he started.

Sam really doesn't get enough shit for how dumb he is. It's not just the statement itself that got me, it was the confidence and the way he said it that only a complete horse's ass could have.

He learned from the best.

At least Opie got called out for his unfunny comments, Sam has a co-host who doesn't care enough to highlight how awful he is. Then there's Travis who fuels Sam's delusions.

Well, be fair, people listened to Opie. No one hears sam, including his co host

To be fair with that statement, you almost didn't have a choice but to hear Opie as he's fucking screaming at the top of his voice a millimeter away from the microphone

Opie got called out on his unfunny moments? Are you high? Where the fuck did the Greggshells thing come from?

From getting called out? I don't think he was implying that the opester handled it well, but he was definitely made fun of for being stupid whenever somebody couldn't fuckin take it any more.


back then

Hes gotten into screaming matches with both bobby and vos multiple times, the time he was made fun of for his put/but radioism, but I'm not gonna take time out of my work day to make a list for you right now.

In that case Sam gets ragged on for other shit like his hair, ugliness, shitty eating habits, etc. It's all the same kid gloves shit for both of them


Easyyyy eassyyyyy

To clarify, I meant he got called out almost daily on forums like this.

Ah. Doesn't Sam?


TSS tss the peckason

Sam's got a co-host who is as clueless as he is. Both of them are common sense dumb and only radio talk smart.

He's so stupid I'm starting to doubt he's actually Jewish

I gave up listening because Sam was infuriatingly dumb. Sam's dumbness was the final straw.

Neanderthals with afros were outlawed 10,000 bc. But yet, here we are

What is it about being in radio that makes one so confident in his or her own retardation?

This retard is a nigga

might as well just go for the hard "r" with this character, gang


Nigga needs to have a Jaime to Google his stupidity before airing it for public consumption.

very advanced articulation for a member of his species

Dope. That's dope.

He actually unironically said "super dope" the other day. I wanted to slug him one.

These 2 are the most uninformed fucking halfwits in the history of radio.

Jim isn't even that good about anything that he's supposed to be obsessed about, he's one of the most confident retarded dope ever

Seriously, it's 100% impossible to believe sam has neither black or jewish DNA. he looks like an A. Wyatt Mann cartoon and he's only 33

So he's 33 huh? I hope he has something else in common with jesus other than the jew thing.

I don't think Sam is stupid. He has moments of cleverness.

It's more that he is deeply uninformed. He is pretty much clueless about any topic that doesn't fit within his narrow range of interests.

But he doesn't let that stop him from speaking with a false sense of authority on any issue.