Ant almost gets arrested, throws Patrice under the bus, and doesn't fuck a porn star

9  2017-06-12 by Cream_P

I never knew Ant went out with Taylor Vixxxxxxxxxxxxxxen until I listened to this three part series on Youtube. 2. 3.

The show before this was great with Patrice not kissing her ass, and it made the show. Ant was being a nervous teen with acne problems, Jim wasn't there, and Opie was/is retarded. The next day jim is in and he's groveling for her just like Ant. This is how that awful date went: They go to eat at a Brazilian steak house, they get liquored up & have a "great time", they go outside where they play show-and-tell (jesus), Ant is almost arrested for indecent exposure, she's impressed he has "has connections" with the NYPD, they don't fuck and she calls Ant a "nice guy, harmless".

To top it off, Ant and Jim motherfuck Patrice by saying he was too mean and agree with her about how he was really into her but wouldn't show it. These three videos illustrate exactly why Patrice was right when he would call Ant and Jim faggots. They have the money, the career, and they still act like little boys looking for their first kiss. Ant couldn't buy pussy and Jim can only buy pussy.


Are you not familiar with good cop/bad cop?

Where's the bad cop? Patrice wasn't in for this.



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I know half of it was a bit, but it's really infuriating how Ant ALWAYS takes the "nice guy" spineless route with interns and other worthless pretty girls on the air. You're older than a highschooler, shithead, you should know that women don't like grovelers. No wonder your relationships end with bonfires and the police.
Additionally, I hate how he thinks he's such a baller for going out with girls like Vixen. You're a millionaire whose pickup lines always involve your stupid white trash playground mansion. You really think your swagger is getting you ass?

" Ant couldn't buy pussy and Jim can only buy pussy."

But, they both like boy pussy!