Did Kenny Stop Working With Jimmy or Vice Versa?

5  2017-06-12 by BillyBats33

As insufferable as Norton has become, he is slightly less now that he no longer has a personal manservant/bodyguard traveling with him to every ChuckleHut and HAHAFactory in the mid-Atlantic. While Jim is a successful comic compared to the normal string of bottom card losers that populate Faction and Raw Dog,,,it was still pathetic that a mid-carder with no national fame felt the need to have CSK tag alomg with him everywhere.

That being said was it ever figured out if Jim was the one to finally cut the apron strings with Kenny or did Kenny move on to bigger and better acts? When it was discovered on J&S that CSK no longer traveled with him Jim has his affect and tone of uncomfortability when discussing how much le loved Kenny and wished him well


Kenny started working for miss piggy.

Doesn't he still work for Opie too?

could be who he meant

He quit SiriusXM altogether

he might on a daily basis but I don't think he needs Kenny anymore. No one recognizes Opie on the street and they don't leave the studio anymore. Sirius has a ton of security guards.

He does still get recognized; it's just that they think he is Ms. Romano from One Day at a Time.

Jim went off the road so Kenny found other work.

Kill yourself for saying CSK

maybe thats why this morton is going to euro, kenny stopped booking for him

He's busy was writing his tell all book.

I hope so.

I thought he was working for Amy now

Doesn't he still work for Opie too?