Ant's "White Women Only" policy

24  2017-06-12 by DonaldObama81

Doesn't Ant's claim that he's only attracted white women reek of something a homosexual would say to prove he's straight? Not finding black women attractive is understandable, but I can't help but doubt the heterosexuality of any man whose never wanted to fuck the shit out of a Puerto Rican.



He did say he could penetrate a chink

Yea but only with his .50 Cal.

It's not his anymore.

"How do you shoot...women...and children?" "Easy! You just don't lead 'em so much."

I can't help but doubt the heterosexuality of any man whose never wanted to fuck the shit out of a Puerto Rican.

Doubt away but I'm not a fan of accents. Spanish, euro, russian, asian, any of them. The one cop on Lost all the nerds like is ok because she doesn't have one (that I remember).

if you don't want to fuck a Latin Woman or any other olive skin women I have to consider you gay

their tits aren't big enough

I like them UK and Netherland girls.

Amsterdam is a sea of giant breasts

most def my second favorite if I could pick one

If you've actually done it, you know it's no big deal. A vagina's a vagina.

agreed but it does get my pecha working quicka

Fawk yeah!!

How do you feel about regional american accents?

Fine except the one on Fargo.

"Come on. Well where are ya?" Right into the wood chipper.

my favorite noise after work, is hooking up with my girl while she screams (at times) "si papi" I might be bias but I can see why they get pregnant easily

To each his own. The second I hear that word I can't shut the porn off fast enough.

that is true, I'm proud of you boy

They are born pregnant and with pierced ears.

and a juicy vag

Yes, that too.

I'm not a fan of accents either, but you are aware that there are Puerto Ricans who were born here, right?....

Yeah, they have the worst English skills. The immigrants at least try...sometimes

Exactly. They have that "fuck you and your whole assimilation thing" mentality, so even 3rd and 4th generation ones still have that dog shitty, romance language yucko accent.

I'll take the african american accent over that spicy-diarrhea-sounding shit any day of the week.

Try imagining Sofia Vergera talking dirty to you without getting rock hard

Naming somebody in the top 100 of the race really isn't saying much. I could think of 100 hotter white women. If that's the best, latinas aren't in good shape.

the part you forgot which in my opinion is even more concerning is he says "white girls" I think he's overcompensating for his love of Sue Lighting, the main reason he hates us

He is overcompensating for being attracted to his sister

Puerto Rican

Those are just island blacks

Yep, the niggers of spics.

I believe the correct term is Saltwater Nigger

Of course he's a secret fag but there's something else. Been pointed out many times but will say it again. No white guy has ever said "look at that hot white girl." You only specify the race when she's a different one than you. Ergo, Anthony's African.

So who exactly is Ergo and where in Africa is he from?

Anthony clearly has Moroccan features.

Anthony is literally a Moore. It's not even a joke.

I touched on this in a similar post yesterday… No straight guy excludes a whole race of women from their dick.

Seriously... I don't trust people with that mindset. There's just something gay about it.

Ant's "White Women Only" policy; doesn't sound racist at all when you put it like that

The fact that Ant hangs out with trannies reeks of homosexuality a little more, but I see your point

Anthony's gay.

It's a known fact.

He loves chicks. And he loves tits. That's his favorite part of chicks.

He'll do anything with a chick.

No,nigger women are Gross

Just like his dad, the dude is a fag.

Ants dad was having brokeback mountain buttsex on his California ranch

He says he likes black girls that look like tan white girls.

I can kind of relate. I really don't find Indian women attractive. Even the super hot, mega-model Indian women do nothing for me.

The pussy feels great because they're half the size of an American woman

I'm a VEHEMENT racist and even I have enjoyed the pleasures of a little gook stain on the hot rod.

Funny because Puerto Ricans probably are just as white genetically as souther italians.

There are black and pure taino Puerto Ricans so obviously excluding them.

Anthony: rigid on race, fluid on gender

And certain genders make him rigid and produce fluid.


ridges on the face

Just because someone doesn't want to fuck apes & chimps (since Puerto Ricans are the niggers of spics) means they're gay?? FAIL.

I see a visit from Cheshire's finest in you future.

Y'know what I see in my future? A nice, thick roast beef sandwich from Goldberg's deli!

You're confusing Puerto Ricans with Dominicans. I'm aware there are black Puerto Ricans, that's why I included the black girl part of my post, you illiterate homo.



Yes. You're gay

Rank the races in order of how attractive you find them. For me it is. 1. Latina 2. White 3. Asian 4. black 5. Middle Eastern 6. Indian Asians 7. Native people

Yeah, I read something once that said Puerto Ricans are the most attractive people on Earth according to science. Because they have the most genetic diversity of any group. In my ranking of most attractive women, latinas are always 1st. I don't see how anybody doesn't think latinas are the sexiest women on Earth.

Ya read a lot Joey

theyre short, stocky and gross.

Never forget when Patrice said to Ant: "nigga, you racist against PUSSY?!" Bwahahaha

He didn't say white women. He said he likes little white girls.

I'm probably a homo as well, because I'm not a fan of latina women either. It's purely skin tone for me, the paler the better. I'm not attracted to tanned white women either, if it doesn't seem like she has a serious decease and will probably die a horrible death within days I'm not interested.

Pale Asians are fine with me as well.

Anthony is probably making that statement as a way to say he doesn't want any crazy minority women.

The problem being he exclusively dates white trash that end up being just as rowdy and unhinged.

Except Sue. She was probably his most normal/cultured mistress.

Just more proof that Ant is a black man.

It's the mark of someone who is so obsessed with his racism that he can't even take off the blinders for two seconds to acknowledge that hot women come in every color.

Either that or he's just reached an age (65) where he doesn't really get that horny anymore.

He's racism definitely flows in to who he finds attractive.

The pussy feels great because they're half the size of an American woman

that is true, I'm proud of you boy

and a juicy vag

Ya read a lot Joey

theyre short, stocky and gross.