Opie was 11th

6  2017-06-12 by Dennyislife


That list used to be occupied by the Astors, the Fords, the Rockefellers, the Mellons and now we have Diddy, Beyonce and The Weekend.

Diversity. Blecchhhh

Are you retarded? This is a list for celebrities.

Sir I will have you know that we prefer the term mentally disabled or developmentally disabled now! Don't try and shame me!

Chris Rock has a related bit on the subject https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeOUty4SWvI

He has the cadence of DMX

Why is Hoo Hoo worth so much?

He's overrated maaaannnnn

Are you (((kidding)))?

He really has a talent for getting paid a lot to do a little

He's the most popular radio host in the world and he's SXM's only draw after O&A ended?

Radio is dead though. I bet Rogan gets more listeners than Hoo Hoo.

Anthony was fourth on the Nigger Richest list

Bullshit list. Scorch's syndication in London alone earned him $248 million last year.

Selena Gomez will forever be soiled.