Jim Norton is right. We shouldn't police comedians' words.

88  2017-06-12 by unclepaul84

But we should police comedians who use crowd funding to steal $60,000 from their uneducated fans.



James Norton deserves the Abner Louima treatment.

He'd just enjoy it.

He already pays good money for it, and you want to give him that for free?

Sam Roberts attempting to sound like he's an authority on hip hop is far more offensive than the use of racial or ethnic slurs by anyone in history.

He did have a rap group and a single played on the O&A show.

Joon Your M'nt!

Just listened again. I know it's supposed to be a goof, but it's actually pretty good.

Spit hot 🔥

Link it queer.

R u serious ? With that rug rats sounding beat and sams awful voice ugh

The plumber was keepin' the pipes from leakin'...

I sang with Elton John and he called me 50 cent.

what about the potato chips crushing sound

I'd give this more of a pass if he and his friends were drunk/high and just fucking around. But the thought of that goody-two-shoes faggot all hyper from soda-pop and Skittles at a slumber party with his dork friends fills me with hate.

its like from that dream in a dream deep movie, the chinaman said hes disappointed that his son tried, sam really tried to show off his rapping skill

Even that horrendously disgraceful shit, alien head Sam ripped off from one time wigger, self annoited "president of the beastie boys fan club" Sal 'the stockbroker' Governale over at Hoo Hoo Howie's. Pretty goddamn sure ('Jew nor mint' 'Kike the Kandy Wigger' or some vile concoction of it) was Sal's gut wrenching wigger monicker when he endeavored upon his letnig rap career. https://youtu.be/fYOJ-4x4ndc

But he knows Who Dat.

Who 'dat?



listening to Sam struggling to make a salient point about language is the most infuriating moment of my day.

Are we sure that he stole the money, or did he just spend it like a retard?

if like a retard means that it all went to "laaaaaaaaaaaaaaadddddddddies of the evening" then i would like to be a retard

Jim used that $60,000 to get the podacast equipment into the city for Chip.


OP mentioned the $60,000 that Jim allegedly bilked for the Chip cartoon.

I'm just pointing out that it was put to good use, and it was used for Chip after all. Do you know how hard it is to get podcasting equipment into the city?

so you know he does it at Bob Kelly's studio and this is just a shot at Ant? I can't tell

Jim Norton asked on a show about five years ago if it was possible to get podcasting equipment into the city and claimed that he didn't think it was possible. Due to our autism we still remember the 60 second exchange and constantly bring it up.

You explained it the dummy. Booo

You are stupid.

If only Jim Norton will reiterate every single fucking time he's on radio.

Do you guys not get that he actually did spend all that money for the cartoon? Remember Jim isnt cheap and tips everyone, so that indiegogo page alone probably cost that much for the artwork and to have some 18 year old upload them to the site. We all know little Jimmy could never manage that type of advanced technology and just paid someone to do it for him like everything else in his life. The rage inducing pauses he still needs to "pot up the mics" after someone already sits down and starts talking is making me want to make out with my new shotgun.

Here is the page in question, no more videos available but this honestly looks like he could have blown the whole 61k just getting this shit drawn up. It didnt get picked up by anyone (no surprize there) and he just pocketed whatever was left, and by pocketed I mean gave to a "girl" to "massage" him, and by girl I mean an actual girl because he is too afraid of real men and by massage I mean massage because he has admitted when talking about his Europe trip his kinks and perversions are not real and way hyped up for shock-jockery over the years.


So how much did you donate?

no hes cheap as shit, he didnt give a dime to lady di, stalker patti or bobo when they needed da money, he just teach them how to squeeze some out of the retards proud bois thats known as ona fans

Jim Norton is our generations aristotle

You're overlooking the possibility that Norton could have been swindled by some scheming animator. Don't forget that along with Opie and Anthony, Jim is also stupid.

would a stupid person have 61k donated to him so he can get prostitutes?

oh man this got me

its indiegogo with promises of episodes of animation and bumper stickers/t-shirts

Jim Norton also wants to bath in a kids piss while wearing high heels...


u/Thomas_Doubting comment?

Man, I sure am loving Jim debate a white comedians use of the word "nigger" for hours on end. That's not getting old at all.