Are all radio callers fucking awful or is it just this show?

46  2017-06-12 by Dennyislife

A man just called in to say his 15 year old son enjoyed a chip bit. I wouldn't ever even think this let alone call into a show about it


The only thing worse are, as Than called them, Character Callers. I wish death on all character callers. Especially from the Ron and Fez universe.

Are you saying the Janis calls to Bennington have no value?

I stopped listening to Bennington about 6 months ago because of the daily 10 minute Janis/Hard Rock Johnny call block.

It's almost as bad as the 30 minute crying Gail O calls from R&F. At least she had the dignity to kill herself.

Gail O was bad along with Mafia life Chris

There were about a dozen of them. It seemed like for a period of time, most of their show was freak, character and needy caller driven.

Bennington is now a series of inside jokes performed for the staff of the show and like twelve of their twitter pals.

They were all bad! The absolute worst were the R&F Bobo (just as moronic as the other one), and wannabe grunge retard Perry Noid. Horrible horrible stuff.

The R&F Bobo was the worst. The overly sincere, quirky artist guy. He would travel around with his ukulele and play fun songs about the show.

He finally disappeared from the show after Club Soda Kenny manhandled him at an event for trying to meet Opie.

Forgot all about Perry Noid. Hated that cocksucker with his shitty songs. He was in upper tier of shit caller friends of the show.They all did stink. If it wasn't for ESD eating his shit or telling stories of having dog lick his cock or sticking dick in peanut butter jar then putting it back for the family to use.i would have gave up long ago

We all know Paul O did it with a pillow.

The Radio Shark gets old really fucking fast.

If you listen to the bit where he tries to get into studio with R&F, you quickly realize what a sad pathetic man he is.

Really? How did you find that out?

No one is worse than that Ken Steele guy.

He might actually exist, but given his cornball brother voice, I'd say he jumps into his Stokely Carmichael character before calling in.

Also, the callers are show is much worse because Jim now controls the phones and board.


Ron and Fez had great callers!

Troy chiming in its so refreshing to hear somebody explain what musicians exact thoughts and what they are trying to say in their music.

I love a good "listen to the words" segment.

Don't you dare.

I went through a bad phase where I tried to get my girlfriends to like The Smiths. I would shush them during my favorite songs. That's what straight guys do.

Grody, so did you get all crazy about that AC/DC song segment? FAwk YeahH

I'd sleep with you.

Awww, thanks.

"Musicians," like a closet queer and girlfriend defenestrator who clacks away at FL Studio knows the meaning of the word.

The call that took Jim forever to get on the air because he still doesn't know how the board works? I agree.

You don't think Jim fucking up anything related to running the board and then trying to act cutesy afterwards is a good bit?

they are the loneliest dumbest people on the planet

Who are Jim Norton and Sam Roberts?

I'll take potent potables for one we thousand.

potent potables for one thousand

This fossil fuel, most commonly used in automobiles, is what you should douse yourself in before lighting a match.

Shut up

Green Day Lover in here showing niggas who really runs shit.

so are you a fan or green day AND satan??

He is definitely a fan of taking a dong up the shit chute if he is a GD fan.

I hope he had the time of his life.

only if he remembers that cutting is part of how to listen.

Fawk yeah I fawkin live on the boulevard of broken dreams DVV DVV DVV DVV

If that was true they'd be here to defend themselves

He has a son which implies he has talked to a woman so he's orders of magnitude more fulfilled than me

Kathy Griffin could be more popular than ever if she actually beheaded Sam Roberts and published a photo of her holding Sam's grotesque, balding, ugly disembodied head.

Would have zero effect, no one knows who Sam Roberts is

Play a tale of him during her murder trial and the jury would acquit her faster than the O.J. jury.

Your jokes are really bombing.

Just like your cunt whore letnig mothers womb should've been barrel bombed when you were in it.

Tells you exactly and precisely what kind of gutless simps are lurking in these subs that you got -4 for a well intentioned alien head Sam beheading remark which, by the way, I completely agree with. Any 'Sam should get beheaded' joke/comment is both hilarious and poignant altogether. Bunch of panty waist letnigs circling the drain hoping for one more Sue Lightning thread so they can say "I'd suck her/his dick." Fucking raging faggots the greater majority of them!

It really depends on what you do with them.

There's been some great OnA moments when they used to engage the callers.

But 95% of the time it's just a lazy way for the hosts to kill a couple of minutes.

Snnooowwwaaaayyy! Seriously one of the worst callers in history. A true zero in life. Almost as much of a show-killer as Hard Rock Johnny on Bennington. Instant fast forward/turn off.

Snowy is the male Lady Trucker

Lady Trucker is the male Lady Trucker.

Title Classic Opie & Anthony - Jimmy Vs Caller
Description Subscribe for more Show Updates. ---------- MP3 Version can be downloaded Here: ----------------- The Anthony Cumia Show: Opie And Jim: 2011-2012 Show Archive:
Length 0:10:43

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that conversation was problematic

somebody should get them fired

Opie "Have ya ever dated outside thee uhhhhhh asian woman thing"

Jesus fucking christ

Yeah, I love that caller. That is one of my all time favorite O&A clips. "I was talking to Opaaay".

He called in and fought with vos in anthonys show like 2 years ago. He got vos all riled up.

Sports radio callers are the fucking worst.


I listen to a lot of sports talk radio. Some callers are okay. Most are terrible.

All radio callers are dolts, look at Pittsburgh Pete

There were two good callers. One called Bobby Kelly fat while another kept calling Troy Quan a fag.

Don't forget the guy who said that Opie did nothing on the show.

Is that when Opie stayed quiet and Ant and Jim had to awkwardly explain how opie steers the ship?

"You missed it Bobby, you big fat pig."

There was also the Take The Hit guy, the Christmas Lights Scam guy, and the guy (Mongo?) who said K-I-K-E 12 to K-I-K-E 1 when they ripped on Vos for not knowing The Shining.

Also Take the Hit guy.

The best callers are the smart ones who say something informative, or say a really simple one liner.

This was recently posted but it's a great example of both these things in one call.

Video linked by /u/breadmoccasin:

Title Channel Published Duration Likes Total Views
opie and anthony- Caller gets to Bob kelly boomhowier1 2010-04-04 0:01:39 550+ (98%) 109,748

dumb caller gets to stupid bob kelly

Info | /u/breadmoccasin can delete | v1.1.2b

Death Metal Moe was a good caller from the old days. Quick on, add to the conversation, quick out. Never wore out his welcome.

The people that have the ability to add something interesting or funny are also the ones that have enough awareness/self respect to not call into a fucking radio show.

I can't tell if they're particularly bad on this show, or have always been bad on all shows and somehow I tuned them out or didn't notice.

They grind this show to a fucking halt. I hate callers and I hate guests.

Bring back dugout Doug! RIP

Who was the guy that would call the pre show and brag about making sandwiches. He was the worst.

Honestly those gimmicky shitty callers are not as bad as "love you love the show" add nothings. At least the gimmicks you can shit on etc

Sirius callers are so bad that Art Bell quit his job after a month.

They also talked about it on the show:

Gotta love how that mutant Sam calls hall of fame broadcaster Art Bell an idiot. Also an Opie highlight "I love Art Bell, used to listen to him all the time"...."What's coast to coast? "

They are basically all people who either drive trucks or are at home in the middle of the day during the week. They are fucking losers, even more so than me.

Did you ever call into a satellite radio show? I can get mad dog Russo or Ron Bennington on the phone faster than my immediate family. I can only imagine what a void jim and Sam are. It's probably sales guys, intern and some paid for calls

This was without a doubt the worse show ever. Sam begins to mention how he has a preference to others who use twitter because he's verified so someone like Steve Austin would see his tweet, probably the fanboy lapping his balls, first is a big whoop. Last I heard that previous intern was verified as well, ol' what's his name.

Just read this subreddit and you'll have an answer

I fuckin nearly drove my car off the road hahaha


Don't ever talk about me or my wife's son again.


Gotta love how that mutant Sam calls hall of fame broadcaster Art Bell an idiot. Also an Opie highlight "I love Art Bell, used to listen to him all the time"...."What's coast to coast? "