Comics of Opieradio

0  2017-06-12 by bry03cobra

This sub loves to hate these guys.

Went to the philly show tonight. Every comic's set was damn good. Every one of them were super cool to the fans. Carl is the target of a lot of hate, but he couldn't have been any nicer.

One thing though....was Keith Robinson's stroke ever talked about on air? His set was great, but looks like he has some paralysis. Most noticeable is his right arm/hand, looks to have little or no use of it.


how would anybody know if opie talked about anything on-air ? ... all the ppl who actually know the comedians and appreciate them talked about it when it happened and when he resumed preforming

Did you sit in the splash zone for Sherrod's set?

They had to wear raincoats like Gallagher's fans.


Carl is a worthless cunt who should never, ever be on the radio again.

All those comedians are garbage and I hope you went by yourself to see Oqie Raqio traveling virus. Carl is nice but so are retards. I cant wait for some stroke humah.

"Good". "Nice". "Nice" again. There's a certain word that's notably absent here....

is opie the mc? does he tell any jokes?

What did you think the reception to this thread would be?