I miss this guy .....



He was funny ...gone but not forgotten

Fat Jimmy and Goatee Ant were the golden years of O&A.

it had to end somewhere

When both of these ugly niggers thought money and weight loss would cure there inherent body dysmorphia, we all lost.

Kenny is probably doing okay for himself

He could be mistaken for Cuban HIV patient zero


being too poor to afford food and hairplugs really put the funny in Ant.

About what year do you think they started getting millions?

Knowing what we know one can only venture how many intimacies with men he'd already had by then.

He was putting up numbers, brother man.

Ant can still be funny. I just don't know why he doesn't want to be. Something happened to him. But, he is still capable of being just as quick as the golden days.

Wasn't he killed in an air strike in Fallujah?


His falafel cart was the only WOW sticker stop in the city

A Tunis antiquities dealer? Please they are a dime a dozen, and not a single one white.

Don't romanticize. Other than fucking a tranny or two, he's still the same bald black pedophile as before.

Anthony Cumia

Born February 23rd 1947

Died July 3rd 2014

Taken from us too soon by a Tunisian terrorist.

He died when Obama was elected


Looks like the guy at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark, halfway through his face melting.

He really looked like some kind of rodent back then

A retarded Terence Mckenna.

That is not the same man who hosts the anthony cumia show.

It really isn't. There's no way to tell the ghoul who hosts TACS is Anthony except the voice and even then there seems to be a different vibe in his voice compared to old O&A clips.

It's like alcohol has affected him negatively for first time

I'm telling you now...Ant is dead. This is like when the beatles replaced Paul McCartney.

Purple haze!

By the time you saw Kenny give you that look in real life, you'd already be dead for 2 minutes

"I miss this guy..." - Anthony Cumia about Sue Lightning.

Comedy is apparently not halal to Ant anymore.

Am I the only one that thinks even a skinny (yet flabby) Jim, puffy chauffeured Ant and maybe like a Ronny B would just about kill any time slot they were in? I think they could do a 5 hour show easily every day.

I think you're the only one.

Anthony is done.

Ron is nothing without Fez.

I miss when Anthony looked like cancer Frylock

that facial hair made his head exceptionally small-looking

It really isn't. There's no way to tell the ghoul who hosts TACS is Anthony except the voice and even then there seems to be a different vibe in his voice compared to old O&A clips.