The ‘Black Panther’ Trailer Shows What Africa Would Have Been If White People Didn’t Destroy It

35  2017-06-11 by DoubleGunsSockCucka


The British and their railroads ruined the place

Niggers are dumb

If white people are so mindless and weak and black people are the superior race and have always been, how were whites able to so easily conquer them and wipe out any proof of their early extremely advanced society?

There's a book about that, its called "Guns, Germs and Steel",_Germs,_and_Steel

I had to read that in a college course. Basically Africans were the original humans, and when they branched of into europe and asia they had to survive harsh elements so only the smart and strong survived while the dumb africans stayed the same. Whites and asians went on to invent guns which was a huge game changer

That book has been debunked over and over. Recent homo sapiens remains found in Spain ruin the out of Africa theory

Then how are niggers so stupid? Riddle me that

They also say that whites and asians have neanderthal DNA and black people don't, using this as an excuse to call white people "cavemen" and "cave beasts." What they won't tell you is that neanderthals were known to have bigger brains and were more cultured. So a lot of black people are arguing that they're genetically stupider.

Even the Muslims have really old buildings from centuries ago. Africa has.... mounds of dirt maybe?

Africa actually does have ruins all over the place. I know I'm in the wrong place, but I actually find African history pretty interesting. Mostly probably because I didn't even know it was a thing for most of my life. Old Africa is pretty much nothing like how most people view it.

If you're so in love with Africa why don't you marry it?

Then you can have sex with it's dark penis which is what you always wanted.

Remember white people, you're the only ones who ever did anything bad on Earth and you are going to spend the rest of your lives paying for events you had nothing to do with.

That is the narrative you run with? This place has to be run of right wing think tanks

Poor people should be given to pharmaceutical companies as test subjects so the wealthy can get new designer drugs.

Earl Grey, hot. In a muuuuuug.

What a lovely narrative.

Maaaaan if I could be frozen I'd come back in the year 2322.

Shit nigga, just stay frozen till that statute of limitations runs out!

Probably still be a bunch of tribes dancing around campfires. White people didn't make Africa's geography shit.

They have an insane amount of natural resources. They're just dumb animals.

most of the africans re-took their countries back and they got 10x shittier

More like Europe didn't want to deal with that shit and gave it back to the Patrice O Neal's of Africa.

And now the Chinese are sifting through the remains

Sounds about right. Those Chinese sure do love a trash can with empty soda cans.

The cycle will just repeat itself. Hey, the Chinese are naturally sympathetic and giving and easily guilted into doing things right? Oh, yeah.

The trade volume between China and the African content has dropped something like 70 billion USD between 2015 to 2017. They too, it seems, are getting sick of the dumb nigger shit.

African self-entitlement is astounding (much like among their brothers in the US.) African public is generally are very disapproving of Chinese (or other foreigners for that matter) who come to Africa, thinking they shouldn't expect anything in return (generally in the form of loan interest) for building the infrastructure that they themselves are too stupid, corrupt or lazy to do. On top of that, Africans suck to work with and can't accept any responsibility for anything.

So, they're the same in America as back in the motherland basically, except have a broader range to fuck up.

Patrice was a great man.

Black man***

Funny how a black man is the only one completely immune from our hate.

I gotta wonder if that'd be the case if he was still alive

Could you imagine what Haiti would look like if they didn't run the French out? It'd probably be like the Bahamas or some shit even better. But no, they'd rather be the poorest country on earth.

I live in Kenya now for work. The climate and flora here is amazing in Nairobi, not to mention great soil and a variety of beautiful places to see around the country.

However, everything is kinda run-down due to the "brothers" general incompetence at governance and using money for anything but lining their and their tribesmen's pockets. If British had never left, this would be probably be the best place on earth.

At the very least, they got freedom way too soon, before they could handle it.

Spoken like someone who has no clue why Haiti rebelled in the first place. Hint: it wasn't because Haitians grew tired of French utopianism in their country.

Fact is the French would've turned Haiti into a way nicer place, like the French Polynesia. Bora Bora> Haiti

Ugh, spoken like someone with absolutely no culture. Idiot. Haiti mud pancakes are really good, and a delicacy there.

I know this is just a joke and it's fun to be racist here, but the reality is more complicated. The European powers never actually left and they continue to funnel out all these resources back to their own nations. I find it funny how the French for example love to shit on American imperialism, but at the same time seem completely ignorant to not only their history, but what their government and people are continuing to do to this day. The French still consider all their old African possessions to still belong to them, and treat them as such.

The resources belong to whoever has the strength and will to take them.

Yeah that's fine. I'm just pointing out how for the most part Africans haven't actually taken back their nations.

Yup. It started with the Congress of Berlin, and never really finished.

France was and is still siphoning off billions from many African economies. That and being introduced to weaponry beyond their current levels of society are what destroyed Africa. Should have been left to develop and unite to make them become 1st world countries, keeping/withdrawing colonies NEVER works out








Holy shit... thats the actual title...

Didn't a white guy create black panther???

idk who cares about this comic book faggotry

thats what africa gets for being so bad at competently fighting wars

They should've engineered their own boats after the abolishment of slavery to go back to Africa and create their own world dominate civilization.

Now they have egg on their face, haha.

After the abolishment of slavery, they should've engineered their own boats to go back to Africa and create their own world dominate civilization. Instead, they sent white astronauts to space.

Now they have egg on their face, haha.

After the abolishment of slavery, they should've engineered their own boats to go back to Africa and create the world dominate civilization that would've been. Instead, they sent white astronauts to space.

I guess now they have egg on their face. Haha.

No... some did go back...

Non-Mobile link:

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Not enough.

You know what they did when they got back?

Oppressed and enslaved the local tribes

This is literally, unironically, WE WAZ KANGZ!!

Popular culture has gone full retard.

In a new embarrassing low, the black community is using a superhero movie trailer as a historical hypothetical. They're actually pointing to a goofy Disney movie and having serious discussions about this stupid made up country that mines a stupid made up metal.

You have to understand, at one point in history, they were kings n shit.

Well, fantasy is the only way a successful black country could exist.

This is the entire black community if alex jones is the entire libertarian community

I looked up the back story yesterday and it's actually explained by a meteor with magic shit in it falling there giving them an advantage over the rest of the world.


I bet they buy all their food using space food stamps.

It's true, in the late 1700s Africans had 95% of the wheel figured out, then white people saw the blank 5% and drew in a triangle. The continent never recovered.

Egypt was their shining civilization. And that's because they were close to white European trade.

Nah, unfortunately not. Egypt was inventing science while us honkeys were still living like animals. Southern Europe and Greece appropriated a lot of Egyptian culture, which was then slowly transmitted throughout the rest of Europe. There is a convincing theory that modern Chinese civilization (circa 2000bc) was imported wholesale from Egypt.

Yeah, well then how come there's no pyramids in China smart guy?

Erm, it's because Chinese people are very small. They have pyramids, but they are only 2 foot tall.

I hope you're not unironically insinuating that Egypt was a black civilization.

No. In Africa.

"We created Pac-Man 'n shit!"


I studied precolonial African history at college. It was not friendly.

mansa musa was the ultimate example of being nigga rich and look at them now

They say he was richer than all the other kings, warlords, and emperors of that time combined. Wanna guess what he did with this wealth? He took 30,000 kilograms of gold on a pilgrimage to Mecca, giving it away to all his homeboys on the way.


why's this puerto rican bitch taking down to negros like they're children?

The new Star Trek trailer shows what America would have been if black people hadn't destroyed it.

Dam white people

The planet of the apes trailer shows what Earth would be like if black people ran it

So if white people hadn't shown up black people would be cultured and vibrant and the most intelligent people in the world?

So they were on the path to cultural enlightenment throwing spears, living in mud huts, going ooga booga around the campfire and drinking animal blood?

Well hell I guess they didn't need European weapons, technology, medicine and books.

Didn't Africans had to be told that fucking virgins doesn't cure AIDS? Like recently? Or was that on a different continent?

Yea, they rape virgins (sometimes babys) because they think if an aids nigger fucks a non aids nig theyll become healthy again. Even their governments think this is true. The West had to butt in and tell them they're retarded but they think they're being lied to.

Niggers never invented anything besides a point on the end a stick. The White man had to show them the diamonds squishing up between their toes--Daniel Carver

Daniel "Carve a Colored" Carver


Niggers with all their "kingdoms" "legacy of superior intelligence" supposed of their past still cannot construct a house better than a bird or a beaver can

I love 1971 South Africa.

Nomaris Garcia Rivera

She should probably look to her own ancestors seeing as how the Spanish did more to pillage Africa than anybody.

Because Robert Mugabe has done such a great job of Rhodesia.

nigga we had da ray gun till dem cavemen took it away from us

wait wut...

a tweet containing basically the same content as this article gets over 10k rts and it just shows fuck ton of people believe this delusion that's sad huh

When they were filming this last year, Marvel or whoever put out this mini production trailer, showing how "diverse" the cast and crew was. Because that really has anything to do with whether or not a movie is good or not.

It showed this picture of as many white Avengers as possible, and said "Black Panther is coming and giving the Marvel Universe some much needed diversity." It's offensive to have too many white people in a movie now.

They had flying pyramids til whitey came in and ruined everything.

Sounds about right. Those Chinese sure do love a trash can with empty soda cans.

The cycle will just repeat itself. Hey, the Chinese are naturally sympathetic and giving and easily guilted into doing things right? Oh, yeah.

Yea, they rape virgins (sometimes babys) because they think if an aids nigger fucks a non aids nig theyll become healthy again. Even their governments think this is true. The West had to butt in and tell them they're retarded but they think they're being lied to.

The trade volume between China and the African content has dropped something like 70 billion USD between 2015 to 2017. They too, it seems, are getting sick of the dumb nigger shit.

African self-entitlement is astounding (much like among their brothers in the US.) African public is generally are very disapproving of Chinese (or other foreigners for that matter) who come to Africa, thinking they shouldn't expect anything in return (generally in the form of loan interest) for building the infrastructure that they themselves are too stupid, corrupt or lazy to do. On top of that, Africans suck to work with and can't accept any responsibility for anything.

So, they're the same in America as back in the motherland basically, except have a broader range to fuck up.