Question to the 80% of this sub that's British...

27  2017-06-11 by Single_Action_Army

How overrun is London by those shitskin pederast murderers?
I'm meant to go there in about a year but I think I'll replot my course if it's now a shithole devoid of British culture like the double busses and gay furry-head guards like on TV. If I wanted to read shittily printed halal signs and browse burkahs behind theft cages, I could do that here.


this is not a political sub sir. please watch your language.

Poopy-skinned, pederast murderers, sorry.

The place is crawling with the filthy cunts.

are you talking about this sub?

I have friends from Stoke on Trent and the Manchester area. They came to Canada in the early 80's and they labelled this as a problem years ago long before it turned in to what it is now. They still have plenty of family and friends there and go back to visit. They're disgusted how it's ruining their society. Anybody who doesn't think we need to rethink our immigration policies in North America is fucked.

We don't need to rethink our immigration policies in North America.

you fucked

nybody who doesn't think we need to rethink our immigration policies in North America is fucked.


I was there last week for 5 days, visiting family in the outskirts and working in central London. It's really not bad, unless you go to certain neighborhoods that you'd have no need to go to. It's actually a pretty prosperous, well functioning city.

No one cares about your empirical evidence. This is about constructing an idea about a place based on fragmented new clips.

Oh yeah..

So it's ok unless you enter the no go zones where they're plotting to kill you. Nice.

So Harlem = NYC?

You consider Harlem a "no go"zone? You should get out more.

I'm being facetious. I'm just saying that every city has a bad area, you can't label the whole city based on that

OK guy who doesn't get it.

It is like saying that NYC is full of blackies or Chicago is full of gangsters or San Francisco is gay ... the reputation gets ahead of fact. There are some muzzie enclaves in London ... some up to 46% if the population.

The Germans created the Warsaw ghetto for Jews in 1940. At the apex, Jews constituted 35-40% of the Warsaw population. They managed to shrink that pop down in short order.

Overall, muzzies make up about 5.5% of England.

They aren't claiming they're being overrun when they step outside. The point they're making is the 5.5% should've been kept at 1%. When they start congregating they become a problem. Yes it's only a small % but it's enough to blow shit up and disrupt a way of life.

Your pronoun use is infuriating

What's a pronoun?

Let's fuck

a noun that gets paid

use only gender neutral around me please or I get reeeeee

Is Birmingham nice?


It is like saying that NYC is full of blackies or Chicago is full of gangsters or San Francisco is gay ... the reputation gets ahead of fact.

I'd like to introduce you to a little thing I like to call the "birthrate".

It's very unsettling that they have enough of a presence to elect one of their own as mayor on London.

I live right on the Scottish border. There's nothing but white people as far as the eye can see. But, for the most part, they're poor, chavvy white people. I regularly travel to Manchester and Sheffield by train. The further south you get the more and more brown faces you start seeing. When you get to Manchester it feels like 65% white, the rest black and Asian. Some are just normal guys, a lot are in their little hats and dresses with their fucking disgusting beards. You realise that you can't even defend against a possible attack. You move away from one young, angry-looking paki, and you'll end up sat next to another angry-looking paki. Ok, why bother? I haven't been to London in many a year, but it's even worse. It feels like 10% white, 40% black, 30% Asian, and 20% American tourists. England is kinda lost to me. It's only remaining purpose is as quite a good place to have come from and to occasionally go back to. I'm trying very hard to emigrate to Canada, but that'll be in at least five years time, if it ever happens at all.

Canada is emulating it.

It's a problem that is affecting everywhere and you're a bigot if you say anything.

If you ever come to the states, do not go to Dearborn, Michigan.

Oh yeah, where in Canada are you from? I've lived in Vancouver for five years and it's not even slightly a problem here.

I live in Florida but I travel some, partly because of my job, partly because I live in Florida.

I have a homo friend there that I went to visit in Vancouver earlier this year. It is fantastic. Looking at prices for real estate up there is more horrifying than any ISIS video. I liked it much better than Toronto, although I had to drive in Toronto and that made it 1000x worse.

I always shit on your country for many reasons, but I had a Harvey's burger and it was the best fast food burger I've ever had.

I was just in toronto and Harvey's rules. We only have like one in Vancouver, which stinks, but we have triple o's and it's better than all that other garbage

Harvey's is good but tastes too close to legitimate food. I prefer my fast food burgers to be an unshapely compressed ball of cow dough that I could knock someone unconscious with.

Yeah I love this city. It's pretty expensive but completely worth what you pay for in my opinion. Harvey's is such a funny thing to be a highlight here!

Every place my homo friend wanted to go was vegetarian, so I ate a lot of that too, but before the estrogen-filled soy could completely feminize me into open face kissing an Islamic militant, I managed to eat a fast food burger that tasted like the greatest thing in the world.

Lol, did you go to Nuba, Meet, Veggie Chau, Arbor or Acorn? They're all good veggie spots. Next time check out Tavola, Nook in Kits, Guu Gastown, Campagnolo, Chambar, Farmer's Apprentice, Anh and Chi, Bao Bei and Kishimoto if you want some high quality manly dining that also have veggie options.

I live in the Vancouver area, it's mostly full of Chinese ppl but they keep to themselves. If u can afford it, it's a great place to live.

Richmond? I live in Chinatown/Strathcona neighbourhood in Vancouver, and even here it's mostly white folk.

Lol yea, Richmond.

Haha, yeah richmond feels an awful lot like a cleaner China.

It's a problem that is affecting everywhere and you're a bigot if you say anything.


Republicans are pussies who will do nothing about. We'd have to go back to 1950s style world order and to deport people on racial grounds to fix it. This of course will not happen because we let women vote. Even without women voting the average man is a giant pussy. We're fucked lol.

Not at all. Your media probably paints it like that for political gain. Most foreign people here are friendly and the majority have a thick English accent as they have been here for years. British culture has and always will be a mix of lots of different cultures.


lol. british culture is british. not a mixture of a bunch of shitty ones. jesus

Remember the empire? Tea, curry, etc? Britain has been a mixed bag for fucking ages. And fuck you for using lol.

That T.E. Lawrence fag really fucked you cunts.

Yeah he was a real cunt...


I am talking about things like the Magna Carta and the rule of law. L-O fucking L

British ideals. British political theory that revolutionized the west. Go shit in your hat, tea and curry.

Those were just examples of how un-british most typically british things are. British ideals are fucked because we have loads of poor uneducated jakeballs. Native and otherwise! Now I shall go shit in my hat!

oh jeeezus!

Shame on you for not conforming to the closed borders mentality of this politically enlightened sub. Shame on you.

I'd say different people would get along much better if they just had the same accent, dressed the same and were law abiding. It's when people have foreign accents and wear weird religious clothes and beards and act weird that they become alien and 'the other'.

Hearing a familiar accent and knowing someone grew up were you did makes it easier for our primal brain to accept them even if they look alot different.

Got silly busses and stupid hats and Chinese couples taking pre wedding photos in full wedding dress. The tourist part of London is so close that one dirty bomb will take everyone out. Lovely.

It's a great place to bring your Cousin for a romantic getaway.

Those gay furry head guards are actually serving soldiers on rotation from normal duties. Show some respect Sir.

London is like NY; it's 'multi-cultural' (puke), but as a visitor you'll be fine & have a great time, the problem comes if you live over here in a cheap, more 'diverse' area like I do, that being said, I'm still alive & I'm a gobby cunt!

And use a toothbrush every once in a while for pete's sake

I've got family in Manchester and they say it's a shithole now. I've also got friends who have come back to Canada because Britain is a cesspool now. Britain is not far off from media portrayal. 95% accurate.

Hasn't the US been overrun by Mexican wetbacks who breed like rabbits, and are members of drug cartels?

Overrun by whites taking it from the brown skinned people who should be in charge.

They may be a bunch of alcoholic Amerindians mixed with Spanish rapists, but compared to Islamic shit skins, they are for the most part peaceful spics.

At least they keep their intentions of raping your sister under their sombrero.

That's all we ask of them.

Mexicans for the most part keep their shit amongst themselves and don't fuck with whitey. People just get salty that they don't pay taxes.

Nailed it. It grinds my gears that they live here and can collect welfare, state-funded scholarships, etc. without paying taxes... the ones I've met and have dealt with have all been pretty cool for the most part tho.

Yeah my parents are Mexicans who emigrated from Mexico. They keep to themselves but are not only compatible with Western culture, they also conform to American society. Only real issue is that they're shitty parents which ends up making shitty people. As for the welfare stuff, I blame Democrats, which is why I'm conservative and voted for Trump.

Also they need to stop coming here illegally. Makes the 1% of us look bad. I don't blame whites for stereotypes because they're simply perceiving them whereas a large amount of Hispanics are perpetrating them.

the southwest of the country yes.

I´m Irish but I´ve been to London, Paris and Berlin a lot in the last 2 years. I live 2 hours from Berlin(in Poland) and went there for Christmas. I swear to god it´s like walking the streets of Ankara. It´s not Europe. London´s always been multicultural while maintaining all of the usual cultural things you´d associate with Britain. Ya it´s full of mussies but it´s nothing like Berlin. Don´t go there.

I'm scared to be honest about where I live because I might be arrested

Fucking thoughtcrime.

I live in the north of England and its pretty pure here. Birmingham is overrun tbf. London is just like NYC. lots of cultures etc. But yeah, Birmingham is one to avoid. Shame as the city is really quite cool. Bradford and Leicester in particular are the worst though. It's a problem. I'm 31 and it's changed a lot.

I won't lie. I work a lot in London and take the tube everywhere. I'm on fucking edge lately. Any brown dude is getting eyes from me. Not that it would help much. We're fucked guys. Do whatever you can to resist this shit.

Bedroom eyes?

Raperoom eyes

I'm on the train right now sitting on a 3 seater between two very sketchy looking brownies. I might not make it out of this one. Fucking rug drivers...

It depends how scared you are of non-white people, and if you're male or female.

If you're a guy and you're not scared of the coloreds, they're terrific people. Hospitality like you wouldn't believe, almost in an aggressive way. Still much nicer than the stiff courtesy and fake warmth 90% of white people give you.

If you're female (especially blonde) you're a whore by default and you'll be sollicited by every muzzie under 35. If your boyfriend is with you they'll test him to see if he's willing to defend you, and if he is they'll back off.

At their worst they're hyenas. Good people.

All of the White trash in the US comes from England. Don't let James Bond and the "posh" (fuck them for that word too) accents Hollywood partrays them as having fool you.

I'm an American and my only international travel was to London in 2015. I expected to stick out with my American accent, but everywhere I went there were people of all colors and all accents (and I didn't just go to the touristy places.) People were rather polite and friendly and I had a great time. And don't worry- If you want double busses and furry-headed guards, you'll find them.

As I understand it, Long Island has a small, but virulent strain of sandnigger centered around Roslyn.

Let's fuck

a noun that gets paid

use only gender neutral around me please or I get reeeeee